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Duplicate Profiles

We search your data nightly looking for possible duplicate profiles.

Duplicates can be introduced either by manually entering similar records twice, or by importing records when similar ones already exist. You can see a list of possible duplicate profiles on the Overview dashboard. Also, there is a button on the Info tab of each duplicate profile.

Once you locate duplicates, you can merge, delete, or ignore them.

For example, profiles may be flagged as a duplicate if they have the same first and last name, but one has a middle initial and the other one doesn't. If these are indeed two different individuals, you can ignore the duplicate. Or, you can merge the profiles if they are truly duplicates.

When you import profiles from other programs or spreadsheets, they are also searched for duplicates. We compare the information in your profiles and determine the probability that two are duplicates based on the amount of matching data in them.

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