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Relabel and/or Combine Personnel Fields

Relabel and/or combine values to match personnel fields.

  • You must be an administrator to do this.
When moving personnel data, you can relabel and/or combine the values from your source fields so they match the destination fields.
  • Relabel any field values that don't match the fields you're moving to. For example, if you have a field value called "Religious Ed.", you must relabel it to match the system field value, "Rel. Education/Faith Formation".
  • Combine field values that are duplicated or have the same meaning. For example, if you have the field values "Senior Pastor" and "Sr. Pastor", you may want to combine those into one option.

Note that the changes you make to field values take effect as soon as you apply them during this process.

  1. On one of the steps in the Move Personnel Data process, a warning icon displays when a source field has values that don't match the destination field. To move the data correctly, you need to relabel and/or combine these values.
  2. Relabel any field values that don't match the fields you're moving data to.
    1. Click Relabel Values.
    2. Each field value that does not match displays. In the drop-down list, select the value to change it to.
    3. Click Apply.
  3. Combine any field values that are duplicated or have the same meaning.
    1. Click Combine Values.
    2. Select at least two similar field values to combine into one option.
    3. Select Keep Name for the value you want to use going forward.
    4. Click Apply.
  4. Once the data can be moved correctly to personnel fields, the warning icon no longer displays. You can continue the Move Personnel Data process.
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