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Registration Events

Users with permission can register individuals for church-wide events online, or people can register themselves, family and guests.

In Realm, you can create church-wide events that people can register for online. During registration, individuals with Realm accounts will automatically see family members, allowing them to quickly register their family. They can also register guests, and make changes even after they’ve submitted the registration.

Custom questions help you gather information from your registrants, such as if they have a meal preference or a t-shirt size. You can choose from several types of custom questions such as text, date, Yes/No, or multiple choice.

You can create custom registration types for events that indicate specific types of attendees – such as “adult” or “child.” You can also assign a cost to these registration types to create a paid event. Paid events allow you to select payments settings, accept registration payments online, manage refunds and create discounts.

Registrants can also sign up to purchase additional items for the event. So if your attendees require supplies, workbooks, or any other item to get the most out of your event, they can select the items during registration and pay for the items along with payment for the event.

All these different elements of event registration are completely flexible – you can choose to use as many or few of the registration options as your event needs. Create anything from a simple and free one-time event to a complex paid multi-day event with supplies and meals.

You can allow registrants to bring guests! When Allow Guests is selected, individuals can add guests during their registration.

With online event registration, create and organize events that your attendees will enjoy!

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