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Add an Assignment or Position

Add a current or past assignment for clergy and religious or position for ministers and staff.

  • You'll need the Add permission for the personnel type you want to add.

The terms you see depend on your denomination. Clergy and religious have assignments, whereas ministers and staff have positions.

  1. Locate and open the record you want to update.
  2. Click the personnel type tab.
  3. Click Add Assignment or Add Position.
  4. Select the individual's department (for staff) or role (for clergy, religious, or ministers).
    Note: Department and role list values are set based on your denomination. If you don't see the one you want, select the closest fit, then use the Position Title to expand on the role.
  5. Enter the individual's position title to further define their role.
    Note: The position title displays under their name throughout Realm to help you identify personnel.
  6. Enter optional start and end dates to determine whether this is a current or past assignment/position.
  7. Select the status of this assignment/position.
    Note: Assignment/position status list values can be customized under Profiles > Settings, on the Profile FIelds tab.
  8. Select whether this is the individual's primary assignment/position.

    You can use Primary Assignment/Position in the way that works best for your church. For some, primary assignments/positions may be the ones that individuals spend most of their time on. For others, primary may indicate the highest rank that individuals have in the church.

    Personnel can have multiple primaries or no primaries, depending on how you want to use it. The primary assignment/position title displays under personnel names throughout Realm.

  9. Click Save.
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