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Set Initial Program Options

In the Initial Setup window, you can specify various program options and preferences, including the start and end date of the current fiscal year, current payroll year, and several other accounting settings. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Setup > Initial Setup.

Initial Program Options Field Information


Current Fiscal Year Begins

Enter the start date of the current fiscal year.

Current Fiscal Period

This date is determined by the date that you set the current fiscal year to begin.

Next Batch Number

Displays the next batch number.

Save Order when Exit Program

You can save the order that you navigate records in the Transactions, Other Information, and Payroll windows. Otherwise, the navigation order resets after you leave a window or exit the program.

Accounting Approach

By default, Cash Basis is selected, but you can switch between Cash and Accrual. For information on accounting approaches, see Cash vs. Accrual.

Use Budgets

By default, Yes is selected. If you select No, the Budget section does not display in the Chart of Accounts window, and there are fewer options in the Comparatives section.

Use Alternate Account Number

By default, No is selected. Click Yes to apply alternate account numbers. If you use alternates, make sure to set up an alternate account number format.

Use Master/Sub Accounts

For new users, No is selected by default. If you're upgrading and had master accounts and subaccounts previously, Yes is selected by default, and each account is indicated as master or sub in the Chart of Accounts windows.

Allow Sum of Nets

Select Yes to activate the Sum of Nets option in the Primary Information window. This account type option totals all Net Profit/Loss accounts.

Allow Multiple Retained Earnings and Prior Year Fund Balances

Select Yes to use multiple retained earnings and prior year fund balances with retained earnings, income, and expense accounts.

Allow Transactions to be Entered to Retained Earnings Account

If Yes is selected, you can enter a normal transaction to the retained earnings account. If No is selected, you cannot enter transactions to the retained earnings account.

Allow Transactions to be Deleted

By default, Yes is selected, and users can delete voided transactions. Select No to remove the Delete button from the dialog box that displays when you use the Void/Delete button in any transaction window.

Invoices Need Authorization

By default, No is selected. Select another option to require authorization before invoices can be paid.

Lockdown Actuals

If you select Yes, the information in the Actuals window is locked and cannot be edited. If you select No, users can edit the information in the Actuals window.

Lockdown Beginning Balances

If you select Yes, beginning balances are locked and cannot be edited. If you select No, users can edit beginning balances.

Lockdown Reconciled Transactions

If you select Yes, reconciled transactions are locked and cannot be edited. If you select No, users can edit reconciled transactions.

Require 'Allow Changes' on COA

Select Yes to require users to click the lock icon to "unlock" information in the Chart of Accounts windows before editing it.

Require Transactions to be Posted
Select Yes to display the options associated with posting transactions.
Note: If selected, the totals for vendors, income sources, and fixed assets only display posted amounts.
Use External Documents

Select Yes to enable users to upload documents that support information in the windows.

Default Documents Folder
Enter the path where you want to store the documents you attach or create in the program. For more information, see Documents.
Note: In order for the documents to be included in automatic data backups, set the default location to the Documents folder inside the PDS program data folder. For example: X:\PDSLP\Data\Documents. This increases the size of your backup. If you set the default location outside of the PDS Data folder, you must remember to manually back up the digital documents.
CAUTION: If you change the default document folder once you've started using it, make sure you move all your files to the new location.
Check for new update

Select when you want the program to automatically check for updates. At the scheduled time, if an update is available, a notice displays on your Home Screen. You must enter an email address on the License Information window before using this feature.


Use Vendor Abbreviations

Select Yes to display the Vendor Abbreviation fields in the Vendors & Payees window.

Use Source Abbreviations

Select Yes to display the Source Abbreviation fields in the Income Sources window.

Allow One-Time Vendors

Select Yes to allow payments to those without a vendor record when entering disbursements. Select No to hide the One-Time Use option.

Allow One-Time Income Sources

Select Yes to allow money to be collected from those without an income source record when entering cash receipts. Select No to hide the One-Time Use option.


Current Payroll Year

Select the current payroll year. This can be different than the current calendar year if you have not finished payroll for the previous year. This field automatically advances when you close the payroll calendar year. To view the benefit, allowance, or QTD/YTD totals from a previous year, select that previous year.

Current Payroll Quarter

Select the current period for reporting quarterly taxes. This field automatically advances when you close the payroll quarter. When you close the payroll calendar year, this field advances to the first quarter of the new year.

Tax information from paychecks is automatically added to the correct quarter based on the check date, regardless of the quarter selected here. The Current Payroll Quarter is for reporting purposes only.

Clergy Wages Charged SUTA Tax

Select whether employers or clergy are liable for a state unemployment tax. To determine if clergy in your state are charged this tax, refer to your state tax guide.

Use Direct Deposit of Paychecks

Select whether employees can receive paychecks via direct deposit to the bank.

Track Hours for Salaried Employees

Select whether to track the number of hours worked for all employees (hourly and salaried) or for hourly employees only. You should track hours for all employees if you need to be compliant with ACA reporting. For details, see Track Employee Hours.

Use External Employee Documents

Select whether to upload external employee documents.

Fund Accounting

CAUTION: Be sure you understand fund accounting before using these options.
Warn if transaction uses multiple funds

If you select Yes, a warning message displays when you add a transaction that crosses funds. For example, let's say you create a journal entry and have a $120 debit to an account in Fund 1 and a $120 credit to an account in Fund 2. When you save the journal entry, the warning displays. Select Yes in the message box if you want to save the transaction. If you select No, you return to the window where you can either change the distribution or cancel the transaction.

Automatically create Due To/From Journal Entries when transaction uses multiple funds

If you select Yes, when you create a transaction that involves multiple funds, the program automatically creates a journal entry that posts to the Due To/From accounts. If you select No, nothing is posted and you have to manually create balancing journal entries. Otherwise, your funds display as out-of-balance.

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