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Email and Text Setup

In order to send emails and text messages from the program, you must set up your providers. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Setup > Email & Text Setup.

Email and Text Setup Field Information

Email Server Setup

You can specify technical information for connecting to your email server. Obtain the required settings from your system administrator or Internet provider.

Use an Email Server Password or Gmail App Password
Select this option if you have an email server that you want to send PDS emails from. Enter the information for your account.
  • Email Server (SMTP): SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Obtain these settings from your Internet provider's website or system administrator. For Gmail, the SMTP server address is "smtp.gmail.com".
  • Email Server Port: The default setting is 25. Obtain this setting from your Internet provider or system administrator. For Gmail, the server port is "587".
  • Server Requires Authentication: Most servers require authentication. Enter your email account name and password. If you're using a Gmail account, you must set up an App Password.
  • Select Use TLS (GMail) or Use SSL (AT&T) if you use one of those.
Tip: If you have a Gmail account, we recommend using the PDS Email app option instead.
Use the PDS Email app - Gmail OAuth 2.0 API Method
Select this option if you have a Gmail account that you want to send PDS emails from. This method is more secure and recommended by Google. To use this method, you must authorize access to a Gmail account.

For the best results using this method, you should also select the Simple Email option under "Sending Emails from a Record".

Server Limits Emails
Select if your server restricts the number or size of incoming and outgoing email messages.
Note: If you use Gmail to send emails from PDS: Google limits the number of messages and the number of recipients per message you can send through the Gmail SMTP servers. See this Gmail article for details. If you exceed the limit, you may see an error in PDS when attempting to send the emails, such as "Transmission Failed. Error: 4.3.0 Temporary System Problem". If this happens, you can try sending emails in smaller batches over multiple days, as permitted by your Google settings.
If an Error Occurs, Delay 30 Seconds and Retry Once
If your email server experiences an error, you can request that the PDS program try to resend after a 30-second delay.
Disconnect and Reconnect After Every Email
Select if you want your server to disconnect and reconnect after sending each email.
Sending Emails from a Record
Select whether to open your default email program or the simple email dialog when sending email within the program. If you're using OnDemand and/or the Gmail OAuth method to send emails, you should select Use the Simple Email dialog.
Test Email
Once you have set up your email server information, you can click Test Email to make sure the information you entered is correct. Send a test email to an account you have access to.

Text Message Provider Setup

You can maintain a list of cellular providers and their corresponding message server addresses.
CAUTION: To send text messages, you must enter the proper information on the Email Server Setup tab, as the messages are delivered by email to the cellular provider.

Here is the information for some text providers. Note that some providers use the same server address. To locate information for other providers, contact the provider.

Provider NameProvider Server Address
AT&T txt.att.net
Boost Mobile myboostmobile.com
Cricket Mobilesms.mycricket.com
Hawaiian Telcomhawaii.sprintpcs.com
MetroPCS MyMetroPCS.com
Nextel messaging.nextel.com
Page Plusvtext.com
Qwest Wirelessqwestmp.com
Republic Wirelesstext.republicwireless.com
Simple Mobilesmtext.com
Spectrum Mobilevtext.com
Straight Talkvtext.com
T-Mobile tmomail.net
Telus Mobility msg.telus.com
Ting message.ting.com
US Cellularemail.uscc.net
USA Mobilityusamobility.net
Verizon vtext.com
Viaero viaerosms.com
Virgin Mobilevmobl.com
Voyager Mobiletext.voyagermobile.com
Xfinity Mobile vtext.com
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