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Payroll End of Quarter

Before you close a payroll quarter, you must verify paycheck totals with QTD & YTD totals, and also print the quarterly reports for each employer.

If you use Payroll, you can process reports each quarter. The totals on the quarterly reports are taken from the employee's QTD & YTD Totals window.

  1. On the Transactions tab, click End of Period > Payroll End of Quarter.
  2. Select a quarter to process.
  3. Select an employer to print on the reports.
  4. Select how you want Social Security numbers to display on the reports.
  5. Select the report(s) to print.
    • Test Totals—Print a report comparing totals from paychecks with totals in the QTD & YTD Totals window. For more information, see Test Paycheck Totals.
    • Print Information for Federal Quarterly ReturnsPrint the employer's 941 federal quarterly report, which includes wages paid to the employee, federal income tax withheld from the employee, Social Security and Medicare taxes for the employer and employees, and advance earned income tax (EIC) credit payments.
      Note: If you file annually rather than quarterly, you must print form 944. On the Payroll tab, click Employees > Reports > Employee Reports > Listing Report > Form 944.
    • Post Journal Entries for Employer FUTA and SUTA Taxes—Post automatic journal entries that were set up in the employer's Journal Entry Setup window.
  6. After you process the quarterly reports, click Perform End of Quarter Backup, and make a backup.