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Associate a Keyword with Personnel

You can associate a keyword with personnel. For example, if a catechist is also a youth group chaperon, you can "tag" them as such.

  1. On the Personnel tab, click All Personnel or the appropriate personnel section then Keywords.
  2. Locate the appropriate record.
  3. Click the add icon green plus sign above the grid.
    1. To select from the current list, click the drop-down list arrow, and select a keyword.
    2. To add a new entry, enter a description, press Enter on your keyboard, and click Add to the List.
  4. At the top, click Save.

You can use this keyword for reports. For example, if you need a list of all the youth group chaperons, run a listing report with the following additional selection:

Personnel Keyword.Description is equal to Youth Group Chaperon

Additional Selections tab with the condition, Personnel Keyword Description is equal to Youth Group Chaperon

Note: For help with conditions, see the Additional Selections section in the topic, Report Selections.