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Enter Catechist Attendance

You can track the days a catechist is absent, present, excused, unexcused, or tardy to class. Use a single attendance type, such as Absent, or track a combination of types.

  1. On the Personnel tab, click Catechists. Locate the appropriate record.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Attendance/History.
  3. Click the add icon green plus sign, and enter any attendance information you want to track.
    • Date—Enter the date that the catechist was present, absent, tardy, excused, or unexcused. Click the calendar icon red outline of a box with dots inside to select the date.
    • Type—The kind of absence, tardy, or excuse the catechist had for that day or days. Attendance types come from a fixed list and cannot be changed.
    • Days—The number of days the catechist was absent or tardy. If you record each day individually, enter 1 in the Days field. If you record the beginning date for a number of days absent or tardy in a single row, enter the total number of days absent or tardy in the Days field. For example, if the catechist is absent from January 1st to January 5th, enter 5.
    • Reason—The reason the catechist was absent or tardy. This uses keywords from the Attendance Reasons list.
  4. To view certain attendance items, click Filter List, make your selections, then click Lookup/OK.
    The grid shows the matches. Click Filter Chosen > Clear Filter to restore the full attendance list.
  5. At the top, click Save.