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Common Settings

The Payment Type ID for ACH payments.
COMMON, AddressesPageID
Page ID for the Addresses page.
COMMON, AllergyAttributeID
The Allergy Attribute ID.
COMMON, AzureMapsAPIkey
Used in mapping services for CloudServices Geocode Utility and Distance and Drive Time. You can obtain and add a Maps API key, then set this Value to that key. Refer to the Azure's Terms of Use for details on usage, allowances, and so on.
COMMON, BackgroundCheckNotClearStatus
A text value that will appear in the Background Check status of a Participant record when ALL CLEAR is set to FALSE on a Contact's last Background Check.
COMMON, BackgroundCheckUrl
The URL for your Background Check vendor. SecureSearch and Protect My Ministry are the only supported integration vendors.
COMMON, BackgroundCheckUsername
The username of your account with your Background Check vendor.
COMMON, BackgroundCheckPassword
The password of your account with your Background Check vendor.
SERVICES, BackgroundCheckNotificationTemplateID
The ID of the Message template to be used by the Background Check Renewal Notification sending contacts a link and details requesting they complete the Background Check request form. Available merge fields are based on the Background Check page and normal Contact Fields. Do not modify the link included in this email.
COMMON, BackgroundCheckTestMode
Specifies whether or the not background check is to be sent in 'Test' mode. This value should always be set to 'false' unless requested by Support.
COMMON, BackgroundCheckTemplateID
The ID of the Message template to be used when sending Contacts a link and details requesting they complete the Background Check request form or through the Background Check Request Tool. Available merge fields are based on the Background Check page and normal Contact Fields. Do not modify the link included in this email.
COMMON, BackgroundExpiringSoonDays
The number of days until a background check expires. Enter the number of days before a background check expires that you want MinistryPlatform to consider Background Check records close to expiring so you can submit a request for a new background check. The Background Check Request Tool then considers any background checks set to expire within that number of days so you can request a new background check. The default is zero. Information regarding these Background Check records display in the Selection Info section of the tool.
Used in mapping services for CloudServices Geocode Utility and Distance and Drive Time. If you have an existing Bing account, you can add a Maps API key, then set this Value to that key. Refer to the Bing's Terms of Use for details on usage, allowances, and so on.
Attention: Microsoft is retiring Bing Maps and will no longer accept new Bing Maps for Enterprise customers. You can switch to or sign up as a new customer with our recommended replacement, Microsoft Azure. For more information, see this topic.
COMMON, CallNumberType
1 - ContactID

2 - HouseholdID

3 - Family Call # (from households table)

4 - Deprecated

COMMON, ContactPageID
Page ID for the Contacts page.
COMMON, CutoverDate
MM/DD/YYYY - The date your organization started to use MinistryPlatform.
COMMON, defaultCongregationID
The ID of the Congregation that will be set for the Household when creating a new Contact by tools like the MailChimp Sync Tool.
COMMON, defaultContactID
Default Contact ID in your database (almost always 2).
COMMON, DefaultCountryCode
This is the default country value that will be populated when creating new address records.
COMMON, defaultDonorID
The Donor ID that will be used when a donor record is not matched or does not exist.
COMMON, defaultParticipantType
Currently used by the BMT, Check-In 2, and various Tools. A change here will affect all of these.
COMMON, DefaultStatementFrequency
The Statement Frequency set for newly created Donor records via Tools.
COMMON, DefaultStatementMethod
The Statement Method set for newly created Donor records via Tools.
COMMON, DefaultStatementType
The Statement Type set for newly created Donor records via Tools.
COMMON, EmailDomain
Defines the sending email domain for the Email Server. Any email sent with this domain will not be sent from the EmailProxyFrom value. For example, email addresses are all in the form "joe@example-church.com" would use the domain "example-church.com" in this field. Leave this blank to NOT use the proxy.

This has been deprecated as of the Platform Winter 2019 update. It was replaced by the Email Domain field on the Domain record.

COMMON, EmailProxyFrom
Defines the from email to be used when the sender is not on EmailDomain. This allows other domains to send email through your domain. This address will be used in the FROM field and the actual sender will be sent as the replyTo address.

This has been deprecated as of the Platform Winter 2019 update. It was replaced by the Email Proxy From field on the Domain record.

COMMON, EncryptionKey
The EncryptionKey is used during the Encryption and Decryption of SecureUrls. This does not normally need to be changed. If you change this all previously sent Urls will become invalid.
COMMON, GeocodingProvider
If you use Azure or Bing for mapping, make sure to set the Value to your provider—either "azure" or "bing". You'll also want to set the COMMON, AzureMapsAPIkey setting or the COMMON, BingAPIkey setting, depending on your provider. To learn more, see Get a Maps API Key.
COMMON, GoogleMapsAPIKey
Used for several tools and widgets. For the full details, see Google Maps API Key.
COMMON, GlobalCongregationID
Identifies the Congregation ID of your "church-wide" congregation, if you have one. When set, a user will see programs that are assigned to this congregation, no matter which congregation they select during the online giving process. Any events assigned to this congregation will display in the Event Finder, regardless of the filtered Congregation. This also affects online_giving.aspx. Set to 0 if you don't want to use this feature.
COMMON, HouseholdSourceID
(18 = Church) This is used if a new Household is created through the applications that use this value.
COMMON, ImageUrl
The absolute URL to your getfile.aspx file on your server. This is set for you and should not change.
The key used for signing the JWT payload passed from a widget to the third-party payment vendor. This value must be at least 32 characters in length, and some payment providers require 64 characters. Ask your payment provider for details on this setting.
COMMON, MonthsTillBackgroundCheckExpires
An integer value representing the number of months after which a servant needs a new background check.
COMMON, MyCallsAssignableUserID
Contact Log entries assigned to be Made By this User ID will display on the My Calls page and be visible to all call team members. They can take over that contact log entry.
COMMON, ParticipantTypeID
Participant records created by the Transfer Selection Tool will be given this Participant Type.
COMMON, PathToPortal
Absolute path to Portal. Include trailing slash.
COMMON, PathToMobileTools
The current path to MobileTools. Include trailing slash.
The state abbreviation that will be the default value in the State field in places such as the Add/Edit Family Tool and the Add Family option in Check-in. For example, enter CA if you want California to be the default state.
COMMON, ThinkMinistryRepository
This is the URL to the file repository used by ACS Technologies. Do Not Change.
COMMON, UnassignedDonorID
Donor_ID value of the donor record used for donations that cannot be assigned to a real donor.
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