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Post Pledge Cards from an Existing Batch

If you previously created a batch but didn't post, you can return to the existing batch.

  1. On the Diocese tab, click Development Funds > Quick Posting > Pledge Card Entry.
    The Pledge Card Entry Batches dialog box displays.
  2. Select the appropriate batch, and click Use Existing Batch.
  3. Select a family, enter the pledge card information, and click Add Family to List. Repeat this for each family needed. When you're finished, click Next.
    Tip: To change the option fields for a batch at any time during the quick posting, in the Quick Posting window, click Options.
  4. Review your list. If needed, add or edit any pledge card information.
  5. When you're ready to post to the selected records, click Next.
  6. If you want to export your batch totals to PDS Ledger or QuickBooks, make your selections and enter a path for the export file.
  7. To post, click Finish.
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