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Post Financial Information from a Lockbox Company

With this quick posting, you can post pledge and/or payment information that you import from a file provided by a lockbox company.

If you have an event that generates a large amount of pledges, you can contract with a lockbox company to collect the data. Then, you can import the results into your program. This makes it easy to get data into your program when the volume of data entry exceeds your diocese's in-house capacity.

Once you receive the file from your lockbox company, you can import the information.

  1. On the Diocese tab, click Development Funds > Quick Posting > Lockbox.
  2. Select the bank you received your import file from.
    The Letter Concepts import file contains:
    • A batch ID number
    • The date
    • A fund code (auto-generated, same for every gift)
    • The donor ID number (unique to each entry)
    • The amount pledged (unique to each entry)
    • The amount paid (unique to each entry)
    • The payment type (check or credit card)
  3. Click the folder icon yellow folder to select the import file from your computer.
  4. Enter or select any additional information, then click Next.
  5. The information from the file displays in the grid. Select which lines you want to post, then click Next.
  6. Click Use Info to use the member information from the ID or Name drop-down list. The member information is inserted on a new line.
  7. If needed, click Show Do Not Post to filter out all lines where Post Info is not selected.
  8. To post the lockbox information to the selected families, click Finish.
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