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Import Pledge Information

You must set up the associated fund, fund periods, and fund activities in your PDS Office program before importing pledge information. If funds aren't set up, the pledges won't import into the program.

How this process works: Once you identify the .csv file, you will match the values in that file with your PDS DioOffice program fields. There are a few required fields, but other than that, you only have to enter information for the data you want to import into your program. No data is imported until you click Finish on the final tab. Your selections are automatically saved on each tab, so you can come back to this process at another time if needed.

You can use the Import Pledge Information process to import existing pledge data (including terms and rates) from a .csv file into your PDS DioOffice program.

  1. On the File menu, click Import Data > Import Pledge Information.
  2. The backup dialog box displays if you haven't performed a daily backup.
    CAUTION: This process alters data. We recommend backing up your data before proceeding.
  3. The Import Pledges dialog box displays. On the File Info tab, click Browse to locate the .csv file. After you select a file and click Open, your data displays.
    Note: We strongly recommend that you include field names/headers so it's easier to select the corresponding value from the drop-down lists on other tabs.
  4. Click Next to go to the next tab.
  5. On the Personal Information tab, select the values in your file that match the family information fields. If your file doesn't contain one of the fields, you can select (Blank).
  6. On the Fund Information tab, select the options that meet your needs.
    1. Select whether to use a fund number from your file, a pledge activity from your file, or an existing fund in PDS. If you selected to use a fund from your file or an existing fund, select the fund to use.
    2. Select whether to post to a certain fund year or the fund year based on the date in your file.
  7. On the Pledge Details tab, select the values in your file that match the pledge information fields.
    1. If you selected to use a pledge activity on the Fund Information tab, select a value for Pledge Activity Name. Otherwise, leave this field as "(Blank)".
    2. Select whether to import the batch number from your file or to assign the next available batch number in PDS.
    3. Select whether to import the batch date from your file or to assign a certain batch date. If you select to assign a batch date, it defaults to today's date, but you can change it.
    4. Select whether you want to limit families to a single pledge.
    5. The option, Only Post New Pledge when Balance Due is Zero, is selected by default. If needed, you can clear the checkbox.

      This only affects multiple pledges. Let's say you're importing information for a family that already has a pledge set up, but it is not yet paid off.

      If this option is selected and you try to import a second pledge for that family, the second rate will not be posted. If you clear this option, the second rate will be posted to the family's record.

  8. On the Process tab, review the items you're going to import to see if you need to make any adjustments.
  9. When you're ready to import the data into your PDS DioOffice program, click Finish.