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Replace One Sacrament Place with Another

This process removes one sacrament place from member records and replaces it with the information from another place. If you're combining places because of duplicate entries, use the Clean Up Duplicates tab instead.

By default, your organization is added using the information from your program's License Information window and can't be combined.

  1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Sacrament Setup > Sacrament Place Names and Addresses.
  2. Click Combine.
  3. In the left column, select the sacrament place you want to change.
    Note: You may not select your "Pref. Here" church as the sacrament place to combine. Instead, select it as the one to keep. The Pref. Here church displays in the list with an asterisk (*).
  4. In the right column, select the sacrament place you want to keep.
  5. Click Add to List of Changes Below.
  6. Repeat this for all the sacrament places you want to combine.
  7. When you're finished, click Combine/OK.
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