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Remove Multiple Personnel

CAUTION: This process alters data. We recommend backing up your data before proceeding.

With this process, you can delete a group of personnel. Select them individually or choose a certain type of personnel to delete, such as all Staff records.

CAUTION: Deleting a record removes it permanently from your database. To hide the record without removing it, make it inactive instead.
  1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click System Processes > Delete Personnel.
  2. Select whether to use automatic updating or individual entry, then click Next.
  3. Select which personnel type to process, and click Next.
    Note: To remove the record from all sections, select All Personnel. If you select a type other than All Personnel, the record is only removed from that type. For example, if you select Catechist, and the person you want to delete is both a catechist and volunteer, they are only removed from the Catechist section. Their Volunteer record is kept in your data.
  4. If you selected automatic updating: Make selections to build your list of records to process, then click Next.
  5. If you selected individual entry: Select an individual, and click Add <Personnel Type> to List. Repeat this for each record you want to process. When you're finished, click Next.
  6. Review your list. If needed, add any other personnel to the list. When you're ready to delete the selected records, click Next.
  7. To delete the records, click Finish.
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