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You can use tags to categorize and locate profile notes, relationships, events, and pathways.

You can create tags for profile notes, relationships, events, and pathways. Tagging helps you locate these items quickly.

Here are examples of situations where tags are useful:
  • Someone lets you know about a prayer request for an individual. You add a note to their profile with the tag, "Prayer Request". When you need a list of all the prayer requests, you can gather them based on that note tag.

  • You track "Grandparent" and "Grandchild" using tags, where both the grandparent and child have a profile. You can quickly see a list of those tagged for an upcoming Grandparents' Day celebration.

  • Over the past few weeks, you created events for this year's Vacation Bible School program. When you need to see all the upcoming events for VBS, you can easily filter on the event tag, "VBS".

  • You have pathways set up for different types of mission trips. Now, there's a new form everyone has to complete before they go. You can find all the mission trip pathways using the tag "Mission Trip", then add the form to all of them at once.

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