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Note Tags

Tag notes to find them quickly.

Assigning tags to profile notes allows you to filter and find notes quickly. First, create the tags you want to use for notes, then apply the appropriate tags when adding notes. You can always edit a note to change the tags or add new ones.

Here's an example situation where note tags are useful: Someone lets you know about a prayer request for an individual. You add a note to their profile with the tag, "Prayer Request". When you need a list of all the prayer requests, you can gather them based on that note tag.

Create a Note Tag

Make your quick-search tags for notes.

  • To create and use note tags, you must have the Manage Notes permission. See Responsibilities for more information.

For profiles with many notes, it can be difficult to locate a specific one. Assign a tag that describes the type or category of note so you can find it quickly when needed.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Profiles > Settings.
  2. On the Note Tags tab, click Add Tag.
  3. Enter a tag name, such as "Special Instructions" or "Benevolence".
  4. Click Save.

Apply a Tag to a Note

Tag a note to make it easy to find.

  • You'll need the Manage Notes permission among your responsibilities.
  • To tag private notes, you'll need the Manage Private Notes permission.
  1. Locate and open the individual's profile.
  2. Click the Notes tab.
  3. Click Add Note or edit an existing one.
  4. In the smaller box under the note, select a tag.
    Note text box with tag drop-down list below

Manage Note Tags

Change a note tag.

  • You'll need the Manage Notes permission. See Responsibilities for more information.

Note tags can be edited, merged, or deleted.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Profiles > Settings.
  2. On the Note Tags tab, click to highlight the tag(s) you want to change.
  3. In the Select an action drop-down list, you have several options:
    • Rename—Enter a new name for your tag and save.
    • Delete—When ready, confirm.
    • Combine similar tags—Select the tag you want to keep. All others will be deleted, and any notes using them will now have the combined tag.

Search for Notes Using Tags

Find your notes fast.

  • To use note tags, you must have the Manage Notes permission. See Responsibilities for more information.
Search Notes on a Profile:
  1. Locate and open the individual's profile.
  2. Click the Notes tab.
  3. Click the magnifying glass icon, and enter a tag name.
    The note list is filtered to match.
Search Notes on All Profiles:
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Reporting > Custom Query.
  2. Click Select a main attribute, then select Notes under the Profile section.
  3. Enter your criteria. Select is not blank to search all notes.
  4. Click Select an optional sub-attribute, then select Tag and is equal to, and select a tag name.
  5. Click Show Results.