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Relationship Tags

Set up tags for relationships between profiles.

By assigning relationships between profiles, you can see how people in your church are connected.

First, create the tags you want to use for relationships, then add the appropriate relationships to profiles. You can always change the tags or add new ones as needed. Note that both individuals must have a profile in order to add a relationship.

Here's an example situation where relationship tags are useful: You track "Grandparent" and "Grandchild" using tags, where both the grandparent and child have a profile in your church. You can quickly see a list of those tagged for an upcoming Grandparents' Day celebration.

Create a Relationship Tag

Add a new type of connection.

  • To create relationship tags, you need the Manage Relationship Tags permission.
  • To add relationships on profiles, you need the Edit Individual permission.
  • To view relationships on profiles, you need the View Details for Individuals permission.
  • See Responsibilities for more information.

Relationship tags describe the connection between two profiles. Some default tags are available, but you can add others as needed.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Profiles > Settings.
  2. On the Relationship Tags tab, click Add Tag.
  3. Enter a tag name, such as "Godparent" or "Neighbor".
  4. Click Save.

Apply a Relationship Tag to a Profile

Make a connection.

  • To add relationships on profiles, you need the Edit Individual permission.
  • Both individuals you want to connect must have a Realm profile.
  1. Locate and open the individual's profile. You can start from either profile.
  2. Click the Relationships tab.
  3. Click Add Relationship or edit an existing one.
  4. In the modal, search for and select the profile that this individual has a relationship with.
  5. In each drop-down list, select the appropriate relationship.
  6. Click Save.

The selected relationships display on the Relationships tab of both profiles.

Manage Relationship Tags

Change a relationship tag.

  • To change relationship tags, you'll need the Manage Relationship Tags permission.

You can edit or merge relationship tags at any time.

You can also delete a tag as long as it is not being used on profiles.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Profiles > Settings.
  2. On the Relationship Tags tab, click to highlight the tag(s) you want to change.
  3. In the Select an action drop-down list, you have several options:
    • Rename — Enter a new name for your tag and save.
    • Delete —This option is only available for unused tags. If you select multiple tags to delete and at least one of them is being used, a message indicates which ones can and cannot be deleted. When ready, confirm that you want to permanently delete the listed tags.
    • Combine similar tags —Select the tag you want to keep. All others will be deleted, and any notes using them will now have the combined tag.

Search for Relationships Using Tags

Find profiles with relationships quickly.

  • To view relationships, you need the View Details for Individuals permission.
Search for Profiles with Any Relationships:
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Reporting > Custom Query.
  2. Click Select a main attribute, then select Relationship under the Relationships section.
  3. Select is not blank.
  4. Click Show Results.
    Profiles with any relationships display in the list, along with each relationship's name and tag.
Search for Specific Relationships on Profiles:
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Reporting > Custom Query.
  2. Click Select a main attribute, then select Relationship under the Relationships section.
  3. Select is not blank.
  4. Click Select an optional sub-attribute, then select Tag, is equal to, and the tag name you're looking for.
  5. Click Show Results.
    Profiles with the selected relationship tag display in the list.