Simple Family Example
- FamilyBasicInfo.csv contains envelope number, name, and address information.
- FamilyHomePhones.csv contains the primary home phone number for each family.
Matching the Data
Notice how every row in the FamilyHomePhones file contains a FamKey that corresponds to the matching family (with the same FamKey) in the FamilyBasicInfo file.
Both of your files must contain a column that has a unique identifier like FamKey. This identifier matches the phone number from the second file with the appropriate family in the first file. This is a much more reliable method than trying to match rows based on name. For example, there can be multiple families with the same name in your file, or the names might not be entered exactly the same in both files.
Identifying the Import Key
When you process the first file, identify the identifier column as the "Import Key". This stores the Import Key as a hidden field in the database that's used when you process the second file. When processing the second file, you are updating existing family records rather than creating new families. In the Import Family Information process, check the Advanced Options dialog box to enable the features for updating existing records.