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Everything you need to know about the fields on your Domain/Account record.

Warning: Only a few users should have access to the Domains/Accounts page. Use extreme caution when you edit any values in a Domains/Accounts record. Some values should only be edited by ACS Technologies staff. If it says "Do Not Edit", heed this warning and contact Support if you must change it.


Internal Server Name
Your MinistryPlatform server name. Do Not Edit.
External Server Name
Your MinistryPlatform server name. Do Not Edit.
Application Title
The name of your church or organization that displays on your Platform Log In page. For more details, see Customize Platform Branding.
PocketPlatform API Server Name
Your PocketPlatform server name. Do Not Edit.
Domain GUID
Your domain's unique identifier. Do Not Edit.
Company Contact
The Contact record for your church or organization.
Database Name
Your MinistryPlatform server name. Do Not Edit.
Time Zone
The primary time zone or "standard time" of the Domain that affects the default date and time in which data is stored. Do Not Edit.
The primary locale or "culture" of the Domain that affects the default formatting and storage of the date, time, and currency.
Enable User Time Zone
The default setting is Yes. Users can set their own Time Zone and Locale preferences when prompted when they log in for the first time.

We do not recommend you disable the User time zone. Instead, if needed, SPoCs should mass assign User time zones to NULL. Set the Enable User Time Zone field to No to remove the Time Zone from the date and time fields in the User's interface, disable Time Zone drop-down lists on the Edit User record dialog, and disable the Time Zone and Locale prompt.

Base URI
Your MinistryPlatform base Uniform Resource Identifier. Do Not Edit.
Default Country Code
The code assigned to phone numbers for the country where this domain is located. The United States value is 1.
Contact Card Template
The fields and formatting for your Contact Card.
Contact Merge Fields
The merge fields are available in the Contact Fields drop-down list of the New Message Tool.
Global Filter Page
Allows you to filter the data grid by one Congregation/Parish at a time. Currently, the only supported values are null (clear) and Congregations.
Announcements Feed URL
Feed URL for MinistryPlatform product alerts. Do Not Edit.

Details: Contact MinistryPlatform Support for Setup

Link Shortener URL
Link shortener service provided in Azure. Do Not Edit.
Link Shortener API Key
A unique key that provides access to the link shortener service. Do Not Edit.
Writing Assistant API Key
Used to access and enable the Writing Assistant service. Do Not Edit.
Writing Assistant Base Uri
Scheme, domain, and port used by the Writing Assistant service. Do Not Edit.

File Configuration

File Provider Settings
For Azure BLOB storage, this is the Shared Access Signature generated from your Azure Container. For local file system, this is the storage root folder or file share.
File Provider
The file provider for this domain.


Google Maps API Key
Facilitates mapping inside various features. Learn more about the Google Maps API Key.
Recaptcha Site Key
The Google ReCaptcha site key necessary to allow authentication via code.
Recaptcha Secret Key
The Google ReCaptcha secret key necessary to all authentication via code.
Melissa License Key
Melissa Data SmartMover license information required to use Address Validation and Notification of Change of Address. Learn more about Melissa Data SmartMover Address Validation.

Reporting Configuration

Reporting Server Address
The report server endpoint serving reports for this domain.
Reporting Server Domain
Optional server domain if you use pass-through credentials to access reports.
Reporting Server Username
Optional username if you use pass-through credentials to access reports.
Reporting Server Password
Optional password if you use pass-through credentials to access reports.
Reporting Server Timeout
Server timeout for return report results. The default value is 600.

Responsibilities Assigned

Address Change Task User
User responsible for reviewing change of address notifications. Leave blank if you do not want to use the Melissa Data SmartMover change of address notification feature.
Messaging Approval Process
When populated, the Send with Approval feature enables in the New Message Tool.

Security Configuration

Password Authentication Enabled
Set to Yes. Enables passwords to log in to MinistryPlatform. Do Not Edit.
Password Complexity Expression
The password complexity requirements for all Users for all applications. Supports JSON formats. See Password Requirements.
Windows Authentication Enabled
If Yes, the Platform Log In page includes the Windows authentication option.
Max Login Attempts
Number of unsuccessful login attempts a User can make before MinistryPlatform locks them out. Once they reach this value, the User is locked out. To regain access, Users can reset their password, have a SPoC to reset the password on their User record, or have a SPoC edit this value to zero. Leave blank if you don't want to lock out your Users after a certain number of login attempts.
API Service Anonymous User
API User. Do Not Edit.
API Service Password
You might need to share your API password with third-party systems for integration. Do Not Edit.
OAuth Signing Certificate Thumbprint
The thumbprint for the SSL Certificate associated with this domain. This value must match the External Server Name.

SMS Configuration

Disable SMS for Account Management
There may be times when you don't want MinistryPlatform to send any texts for account verification, password recovery, one-time code logins, and multi-factor authentication. To disable texting for account management (without affecting texts sent from the New Message Tool and other areas of the Platform), set this value to Yes.

If you're using PocketPlatform, this setting affects the handoff from your app to MP eGiving, Group Life, widgets, and so on. But it will not affect the way that the Login with Phone option works on your app's Log In screen.

SMS Server Username
Twilio Account SID. You can find this on your Twilio dashboard under Account Info or on your account under API Keys & Tokens.
SMS Server Password
Twilio Auth Token. You can find this on your Twilio dashboard under Account Info or on your account under API Keys & Tokens.
SMS Server Callback Secret
A generated GUID value. You can use a GUID Generator to generate a random value.
Message Curfew Start Time/End Time
You can set a curfew timeframe during which text messages do not send. If you've ever scheduled a group text to go out at 4 AM instead of 4 PM, you know why this can be useful! For Message Curfew Start Time, enter the time after which you don't want text messages to send in the Domain timezone. For Message Curfew End Time, enter the time before which you don't want text messages to send in the Domain timezone Make sure you clear your cache in the About section so these settings can take effect.
Note: If you try to send or schedule a message during the curfew, you'll receive a warning. You can still send the message if you need to. For example, a youth group is returning from a trip later than expected and you need to contact parents outside of the standard messaging hours.

SMTP Configuration

The values in this section affect Platform Messages, Process Emails, and View Notifications. Other email sub-systems are configured elsewhere such as database Notifications and Widget emails. To update your email settings, contact Support. We will update and test each sub-system for you and work with your IT team to resolve any issues.

SMTP Server Name
The name of your SMTP server. Do Not Edit.
SMTP Server Port
The port of your SMTP server. Do Not Edit.
SMTP Server Username
The username for your SMTP server. Do Not Edit.
SMTP Server Password
The password for your SMTP server. Do Not Edit.
SMTP Server Callback Secret
A GUID value generated when you configure SendGrid.
Yes or No depending on your SMTP server or provider and use of SSL or TLS. Do Not Edit.
Email Domain
Defines the sending email domain(s) for the Email Server. For example, if your email addresses are all in the form "joe@example-church.com", enter the domain "example-church.com" in this field. You can add one domain per line. Any email sent from a domain other than the one(s) defined here use the Email Proxy From Address. If you do not want to use the proxy, leave this blank.
Email Proxy From Address
Defines the From email address to use when the sender is not on Email Domain. This allows other domains to send emails through your domain. MinistryPlatform uses this address in the From field, and the actual sender as the Reply To for the address.

User Account Configuration

Create Account Message Template
The Message Template used for the New User Account Confirmation email when a User clicks Create Account on the Log In screen. There is a default template that you can use and modify. The token [Link] is required. For security, this link is only valid for 10 minutes.
Recover Account Message Template
The Message Template used for the Password Recovery Verification email when a User clicks Forgot your password? on the Log In screen. There is a default template that you can use and modify. You must include the token [Link] in the Message body to allow resets. Optionally, you may also include the token [Login_Link] to allow a one-time login without a password reset. For security, these links are only valid for 10 minutes.
Enable Simple Sign On
When enabled, a mobile phone or email address is valid in place of a username during login.
Note: We strongly recommend you enable Simple Sign-on to help your users enter the Platform efficiently.
Custom Button URL
From the OAuth User Account dialog, the URL the User goes to if they click the button. If blank, the button is hidden. Do Not Edit.
MFA Verification Email Template
The Message template to use for the Multi-Factor Authentication email.
MFA Required
Determines whether to require multi-factor for some or all Users.
Note: Users are only prompted to complete multi-factor authentication when they log in. If they select to stay logged in on their device, they will not be asked to log in again for 90 days (by default). Therefore, they will not be prompted for MFA verification on that device for as long as their session remains active.
MFA Remember Days
The length of time between multi-factor authentications. This controls whether a user has to perform the second step of entering a code if they are required to authenticate.
Note: This value is only related to multi-factor authentication. It does not control when the user's Platform session expires. That's determined by the Keep Me Logged In option when the user authenticates (default is 90 days) or the browser cookie (default is 4 hours of inactivity).
MFA Verification Text Template
The Message template to use for the Multi-Factor Authentication text message.
Create Account Text Template
The Message template used for the New User Account Confirmation text message when a User clicks Create an account on the Log In screen. There is a default template that you can use and modify. The token [Link] is required. For security, this link is only valid for 10 minutes.
Important: You can modify this template, but the [Link] token resolves to 32 characters, so factor that in when you write the text. You really only have 128 characters for that message.
Recover Account Text Template
The Message template used for the Password Recovery Verification text message when a User clicks Forgot Password on the Log In screen. There is a default template that you can use and modify. You must include the token [Link] in the Message body to allow resets. Optionally, you may include the token [Login_Link] to allow a one-time login without a password reset. For security, these links are only valid for 10 minutes.
Important: You can modify this template, but the tokens resolve to 32 characters each, so factor that in when you write the text. You really only have 96 characters for the rest of the message.
Auth Code Enabled
Set to Yes to allow Users to authenticate via code.
Auth Code Email Template
The Email Message template used when a User opts to authenticate via code and receives an email with the code.
Auth Code Text Template
The Text message template used when a User opts to authenticate via code and receives a text message with the code.


For more on the Files panel of your Domain record, see Customize Platform Branding.

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