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Add an Invoice

Invoices are bills to be paid. You can add a batch of one or more invoices.
Note: The following procedure assumes you use cash basis accounting. If you use accrual basis, the process is different. For more information, see Cash vs. Accrual.
  1. On the Transactions tab, click Expenses > Invoices.
  2. At the top, click Add Batch.
  3. In the Invoice Batch Entry window, enter information about the invoice.
    • Batch Date—By default, this is set to the current fiscal month. You can change the batch date to any month that hasn't been closed.
    • Payables Account—If you use accrual basis accounting, select the payables account that this batch of invoices is entered for. This field doesn't display if you use cash basis accounting.
    • Invoice Number—Enter an optional invoice number. These can include letters or numbers but cannot begin with the letter "R." Invoices beginning with "R" indicate "Reversal of."
    • Transaction Date—Enter the date the invoice was entered into the program. This must be in the same month as the batch date.
    • Terms and Due Date—If this vendor has terms set up in the Vendors & Payees window, they display here. The due date is filled in based on the terms selected. Select None to set the due date as the invoice date above, or select Other to select any due date.
    • EFT—Select if this invoice is paid electronically. If Default to EFT is selected on the vendor's record, this is selected by default.
    • Recurring Period—If the invoice is recurring, select how often it occurs. Each time this invoice is paid, a new invoice is automatically created. For more, see Change a Recurring Invoice.
    • Add Documents—Upload additional documents that support the receivable.
    • Discount Terms, Discount Date, and Discount Amount—If this vendor has discount terms set up in the Vendors & Payees window, they display here. The discount date and discount amount are filled in based on the terms selected.
    • Payment Authorized—If payment authorization is set up in the Initial Setup window, a checkbox displays.
  4. In the Distribution grid, enter how you want to distribute this invoice. If the vendor or any account numbers entered have an automatic distribution set up, you have the option to use the distribution.
    Note: The invoice cannot be saved until the amount remaining is $0.00. When the invoice is paid, expense accounts entered here are debited as the cash account is credited.
  5. Click Save to enter the current invoice, or click Add Invoice to save the current invoice and add another.