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PocketPlatform - Released April 2024

This release includes two phases: the first is to add and update your Platform schema, and the second is to provide App Store updates for new features.

Phase 1: New Platform Schema - Released 4/1-2

We deployed new schema that will pair nicely with upcoming enhancements.


  • We've improved performance around the Analytics and Analytics Summaries tables.
  • If you're interested in the technical details:
    • In the Analytics table, we added new fields that will replace the foreign key IDs.
    • In the Analytics Summaries table, we added a new field that will replace the Sermon ID field.
    • We updated the api_PocketPlatform_Analytics_Summarization stored procedure to work with the new schema.
    • We dropped the foreign keys on these two tables for the fields that will be removed.


  • There's a new field on Event records called Allow Fastpass. When this field AND Allow Check-in are BOTH set to Yes, individuals can use FastPass for the event. Or, you may want to allow check-in but not allow FastPass if, for example, you're using an attended mode only. Now, you have the flexibility to decide!
  • We updated the Fastpass stored procedure to filter on the new field and to receive two new optional parameters for CongregationID and GlobalCongregationID. This means FastPass now filters properly so app users see relevant events based on their selected campus/parish.
    Note: If you're using the API Service dashboard feed, you'll get the functionality described in the previous two bullet points automatically via API Service updates. If you're using the stored procedure, you'll see the correct information on the FastPass screen, but your dashboard recipe stored procedure will not filter based on the active campus/parish. So, your app users may see FastPass on the dashboard but see no events once they click it.

    We've corrected this by updating the stored procedure, which is being released 4/29-30.

  • You can now customize the graphic for the FastPass recipe on the dashboard, as long as you are not using the old stored procedure approach for recipe management. Contact Support and provide the image you want to use!

Light and Dark Modes

  • The logo recipe at the top of the dashboard now supports light and dark modes and responds accordingly depending on the user's preference. Reach out to Support if you'd like to provide a dark mode logo.
  • If you use the Campus/Parish Selector, make sure to add the Dark Mode Logo URL on the Congregation/Parish record since the logo is sourced from there. Otherwise, if this field is blank, the app will use the image from the Logo URL field for both light and dark mode.

Bible Books

  • We added a table for Bible Books and populated it with the 66 books of the Bible that most churches agree are the canon. If you want to add additional books, feel free to do so!
  • On Sermon and Sermon Series records, there's a new field for Bible Book so you can associate a book of the Bible with each sermon or series. If you'd like to allow congregants to search for sermons or series related to a certain book, contact Support to enable a filter that displays in the app. For example, an app user could find everything related to the book of Matthew.
  • Note that the Bible books themselves do not display in the app at this time.

Other Improvements

  • We fixed an issue with creating a dp_Pages record for push notifications.

Phase 2: App Store Updates - Released 4/22-23

These items are available to you with the updated version of your PocketPlatform app!

Note: Want to see Phase 2 in action before updating your app? As of 4/15, the updated version is available to you via TestFlight!

Campus/Parish Selector

  • You can decide whether to show or hide the pastor on the Campus/Parish Selector screen. The name of the pastor on the Congregation record shows by default, but you can reach out to Support if you want to hide it.
  • Now, when a user views the Connect Card, they'll only see the information that's relevant to their selected campus/parish.

Check-In and FastPass

  • *From the Idea Board*: FastPass now displays the Event Title in addition to the Start Time and Group Name! This helps provide clarity when app users are checking in.

    FastPass screen showing the Event Start Time, Event Name, and Group Name

  • Fixed an issue where the Self Check-in tile was not displaying until after the event started.


  • Fixed an issue where the Event Contact was not displaying on the Detail screen when you had the configuration setting to show it. If you previously had this set, you'll see the Event Contact now. If you didn't have it set but would like to show the Event Contact, reach out to Support to enable the setting.
  • You can show or hide the image that displays for an Event Contact. Contact Support to configure this setting.

Filtering Events and Groups

  • We added a Month filter to the Events screen as well as Life Stage and Group Focus filters to the Groups screen. If you're using the default screens, you'll automatically see the new filters available. If you have a custom version of the Events or Groups screen where one or more filters have been removed, you can reach out to Support to get these filters added.


  • Group Chat now honors the Enabled field so that only enabled conversations display.
  • Fixed an issue so that clicking a Group Chat notification will now open the appropriate conversation.
  • Fixed an error that displayed when a group had a Meeting Duration but not a Meeting Time.

Reading Plans

  • To improve readability, we increased the size of the text on the Reading Plan Day screen.

Sermon Widget

  • The Sermon Widget now displays the top 1,000 sermons on your website.

Other Improvements

  • Improved the screen load time and performance for those using Tab navigation.
  • Fixed an issue for Android users who tried to log in via email, but the email field was not displaying.
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