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Add livestreams to the dashboard so people can easily access them from PocketPlatform!

When the livestream recipe is included on your dashboard, a livestream displays in the app while it's occurring. You can create and manage livestreams in MinistryPlatform.

Example of a livestream tile on the dashboard in the PocketPlatform app

Create a Livestream

Add a new Livestream record that can display in the app.

  1. Go to PocketPlatform > Livestreams.
  2. Click New Livestream.
  3. Enter a Stream Title that will catch people's attention and interest. In the app, this text displays in bold below the livestream image.
  4. Enter a Description of what the livestream is for or will cover. This text displays below the livestream title.
  5. Select a Start Date and End Date on the same day with the appropriate times. This determines when the livestream card will display on the dashboard.
    Note: These times do not necessarily need to be when the actual livestream starts and ends. For example, you may want to start displaying the livestream card 10 minutes before the livestream actually begins to give people time to prepare for it.
  6. Enter the Stream URL. You can choose how to display your livestream:
    • Take the user to a webpage in their device browser. To do this, enter the Stream URL as a fully qualified link, starting with "https://" or "http://".
    • Play the livestream natively inside the app. To do this, use the Link Generator Tool to copy a link with Screen set to Video Player and the URL of the Livestream video feed, usually ending with ".m3u8". (Your livestream vendor should provide this URL to you.)
    Note: If you want to change the text that displays on the button, contact Support for assistance.
  7. If applicable, select the Sermon associated with this livestream. This is for internal reference and does not display on the livestream card.
  8. If you have multiple livestreams going on at the same time, you can enter a number for Sort Order to determine how they display in the app. A livestream with a lower number (like 1) would come first, followed by those with higher numbers (like 2, 3, 4, etc).
  9. Click Save.
  10. If applicable, open the Files panel and attach an image related to the livestream. If you don't attach an image, a default image displays in the app.

Once the livestream's Start Date begins, it displays on the dashboard in your app. Then, it's removed from the dashboard once the End Date passes.

Show a Recurring Livestream

Need to show the same livestream every Sunday? Add a recurring series!

If you stream your weekly services, you can create one Livestream record per service and set it to recur each week.

  1. Create a Livestream for your service.
  2. Open the Livestream record.
  3. From the Actions menu, select Copy.
  4. Click the ellipsis and add the recurrence pattern, such as Weekly on Sunday. Click Save.
  5. Under Recurrence Options, select how long you want your recurrence pattern to last, like through the end of the year.
  6. Select Include and Update Current Record.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Select Copy Attached Files if you want to use the same livestream image for all occurrences.
  9. Click Copy Record.

Once each livestream's Start Date begins, it displays on the dashboard. It's removed once the End Date passes.