Podcast Feeds
PocketPlatform includes support for automatically generated podcast feeds. Podcast feeds let your users hear sermons on their schedule, which might be just what they need!
To set up your podcast feed for the first time, reach out to Support.
- The Series is published.
- The Sermon is published.
- The Sermon Link:
- is published.
- contains an audio file ending in .mp3.
- the File Duration is greater than zero. This should be the total number of seconds in the audio file. Note: If you use the Media Manager, the File Duration is automatically populated.
- The email addresses you define (admin, webmaster, and so on) may display in the podcast feed, depending on the podcast fetcher. We recommend using an email address that is monitored but isn't someone's personal email; for example, info@<your-church.org>.
- For the podcast feed description, the limit is 4,000 characters. However, most podcast fetchers only display a portion of that. We recommend you keep it short and sweet.
- The podcast feed image should be a square at least a 1500 x 1500px but no larger than 3000 x 3000px, and it should not use transparency. The podcast fetcher will show this image anywhere it displays the podcast (before you dive into the episode list).
There are several podcast feed types available:
All Published Sermons
A list of all published sermons in all published series. All your sermons, all in one place!
https://{your base URL}.api.pocketplatform.io/v1/podcasts/feed.xml
Sermons in a Series
A list of all published sermons in all published series of a particular series type. For example, all sermons in the Special Events series.
https://{your base URL}.api.pocketplatform.io/v1/podcasts/feed.xml?series_type_id={Sermon Series ID}
Sermons in a Service
A list of all published sermons in all published series of a particular service type. For example, all sermons from the Traditional service.
https://{your base URL}.api.pocketplatform.io/v1/podcasts/feed.xml?service_type_id={Service Type ID}
Sermons for a Congregation
A list of all published sermons in all published series for a specific congregation. For example, all sermons for the Southside Campus.
https://{your base URL}.api.pocketplatform.io/v1/podcasts/feed.xml?congregation_id={Congregation ID}
Sermons in a Series for a Congregation
A list of all published sermons in a particular series for a specific congregation. For example, all sermons in the Special Events series for the Southside Campus.
https://{your base URL}.api.pocketplatform.io/v1/podcasts/feed.xml?series_type_id={Sermon Series ID}&congregation_id={Congregation ID}
Sermons in a Service for a Congregation
A list of all published sermons in all published series of a particular service type for a specific congregation. For example, all sermons from the Traditional service for the Southside Campus.
https://{your base URL}.api.pocketplatform.io/v1/podcasts/feed.xml?service_type_id={Service Type ID}&congregation_id={Congregation ID}
Sermons in a Series and Service for a Congregation
A list of all published sermons in a particular series of a particular service type for a specific congregation. For example, all sermons in the Special Event series from the Traditional service for the Southside Campus.
https://{your base URL}.api.pocketplatform.io/v1/podcasts/feed.xml?series_type_id={Sermon Series ID}&congregation_id={Congregation ID}&service_type_id={Service Type ID}