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Your users can give through the PocketPlatform app, providing a one-stop shop for all things church-related. Make giving as seamless as possible to create a great experience for your users and reduce headaches all around.

We have integrations with MP eGiving, Vanco, and OnlineGiving.Org. If you use a different giving provider, you can still connect users to their website through your app.

How It Works

For integrated vendors: See the linked help topic to learn how it works for your giving provider!

For non-integrated vendors: When individuals click Give in the app menu, they are taken directly to the vendor's website through the browser on their mobile device. (You do have the option to display a screen with custom text, such as instructions, before congregants are sent out of the app.) The individual completes the donation on the vendor's website, and they'll see a confirmation message.

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