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Allow your congregants to access sermons whenever they want.

Every week, someone preaches to your congregation. And every week, people will want to access that sermon outside of the appointed service time. Maybe they want to revisit a meaningful sermon. Or maybe they were unable to attend and don't want to miss out. Whatever the reason, they can access any of your church's sermons right in your app.

Sermon PlayerSermon Notes

Image displaying the Sermon Player, with the church name, a video of the sermon, options to watch, listen, or take notes, and a brief synopsis of the sermon.

Image displaying the Sermon Notes screen, with sample notes someone has taken about the sermon.

Note: By default, the Platform pages and app screens use the term "Sermon". If your church uses a different term, such as Homily or Lesson, feel free to customize the pages and screens to match!

There are several components to a sermon in your app, and each one is designed to make watching sermons an easy, seamless, and enjoyable experience for your congregation.

To get started, check out Sermon Foundations to learn about the values you'll need to add to MinistryPlatform. Then, you can add sermons and notes, along with any related scriptures and links. And if you're interested in a convenient way to convert your media into the formats used in PocketPlatform and other apps, check out our Media Manager!

Once you've configured your sermons to display in your app, why not leverage that work so sermons show up on your website? Check out the Sermon Widget!

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