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PocketPlatform - Released February 26-27, 2024

There were a few more items we wanted to send your way in February!


  • *Schema change* You may have seen the new Platform feature called Audiences that was released last December. Soon, you will be able to use that feature alongside PocketPlatform's in-app announcements. That way, you can choose who sees certain announcements! For example, the app can show the upcoming Women's Retreat announcement only to those whose gender is set to Female.
  • To prepare for that, we added a field for "Audience ID" to Announcement records in the Platform. Before you can do anything with this field, our team must migrate your announcement recipe to the admin panel. After that, you can start using this feature. SPoCs, be on the lookout for an email with more details on when it's ready for your church to use!

Event Payments

  • Fixed an issue where records associated with $0 invoices (for free events) were being marked as Abandoned and canceled. Now, these will be marked as "Paid in Full", and the associated Event Participant record will be updated to "Registered".
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