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Campus/Parish Selector

The Campus/Parish Selector allows users to select a campus or parish from a map or list. Then, the content that displays in the app is personalized based on their selection.

Note: Reach out to Support to have the Campus/Parish Selector configured for your PocketPlatform app.
Map View on AndroidMap View on iOSCampus/Parish Details
Campus/Parish Selector showing the Map view on an Android device with a map and pins representing different campuses/parishesCampus/Parish Selector showing the Map view on an iOS device with a map and pins representing different campuses/parishesCampus/Parish Selector showing the information for a campus/parish that was selected

With the Campus/Parish Selector, users can view active and "coming soon" campuses or parishes. On the map, these display as red pins (active) and yellow pins (coming soon). In the app, they see information from both the diocese and their active campus/parish. All content is filtered based on their active campus or parish, including:

  • Dashboard
  • Events
  • Opportunities
  • Groups
  • Sermon Series
  • Announcements

If the user wants to see information from a different campus/parish, all they have to do is select it! The Map tab helps users see what's closest to them. Or, they can view all options from the Search list. And the Recent tab makes it easy to switch between their recently selected options.

No matter which view is used, the Campus/Parish Selector displays information from the Congregation/Parish's record:
  • Congregation Name
  • Pastor
  • Location
  • Description
  • Default image, if attached
Note: A Congregation must have Available Online set to Yes to display in the Campus/Parish Selector.
Tapping a campus or parish in the app shows additional details, including:
  • The campus/parish phone number. Users can even tap it to give them a call!
  • Driving directions, if the campus/parish address has latitude and longitude entered.

What Users See

The first time a user accesses your app, they'll have three options:

  • Login: If your users have an account through your church's website, they can use those credentials to log in to your app.
    • If there is a Congregation associated with their Household record, it's automatically set as their active campus/parish.
    • If no Congregation is associated with their Household, the user is directed to the Campus/Parish Selector so they can select their active campus/parish.
  • Create Account: No account? No problem! Users can create an account with their first and last name, email address, phone number, and date of birth or age. Once an account is created, they are presented with the Campus/Parish Selector to set their active campus/parish.
  • Continue as Guest: No time to set up an account? User can't remember their credential? Totally fine. Users can continue as a guest, and they're prompted to pick which campus/parish they want to view.

Existing users see their campus/parish of record and content from their active campus/parish. They can search for additional campuses/parishes and view details. For "coming soon" campuses/parishes, users can only see the name and a note that it is "Coming Soon". This is useful when users expect to see a campus/parish on the map but that campus/parish hasn't launched their app yet.

Note: The Campus/Parish Selector does not add any data to the user's Household record. The campus or parish of record (the Congregation on the Household record) is assigned by staff.


  • Up to five campuses - No additional cost
  • Five to 15 campuses - Monthly fee (For pricing, call 1-800-736-7425.)
  • Over 15 campuses or any number of parishes - Custom or diocesan pricing
    Note: Dioceses automatically receive custom pricing, no matter the number of parishes.
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