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Contacts with No Household

Information on Contacts that don't have a Household in MinistryPlatform, including how it affects the quality of your data and how you can fix this issue.

Data Health Report Card

The Customer Portal Report Card awards an A grade when less than 2% of your Contacts have also had activity in the Activity Log within the last 365 days. Note that deceased people are not included in this report card item.

Ways to Improve

Create Views and Notifications to find and fix these Contact records.

You can create missing records using the Transfer Selection Tool.

Best Practice to Prevent Bad Data

As a best practice, Contacts should have a Household record. Always use a tool to create new records and in cases of divorce or other family separations. You can create the Contact and Household records using the following tools:

When you remove a person from a Household (for example, divorce), use the Split Household Tool to create a Household for the individual. You can do this even if you do not have a new address for the individual.