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Mismatched People Records

Information on People records in MinistryPlatform, including how they affect the quality of your data and how to fix any issues.

You must properly match People records. The four main People records are Contact, Participant, Donor, and User.

People Record Relationships

The relationships between these four People records follows strict rules that you should always observe.

  • The Contact is the main record and may also point to a Participant, Donor, and User.
  • The Contact record has a one-to-one relationship with the Participant, Donor, and User records.
  • A Participant record should always point back to the Contact record.
  • A Donor record should always point back to the Contact record.
  • A User record should always point back to the Contact record.

If you follow these rules, there will never be more than one Participant, Donor, or User record pointing to a Contact record.

Data Health Report Card

The Customer Portal Report Card will give an A grade when there are no mismatched no Contact records.

Contact record mismatches can occur in the following ways:

  • Mismatches:
    • The Participant record mismatched with the Contact record
    • The Donor record mismatched with the Contact record
    • The User record mismatched with Contact record
  • Multiples:
    • Multiple Participant records point to the same the Contact record
    • Multiple Donor records point to the same the Contact record
    • Multiple User records pointed to the same the Contact record

Diagnose and Fix Issues with People Records

In this example, we assume the mismatched record is the User record.
Tip: This is a complex process! If you need assistance, reach out to a Coach to walk through your specific scenario and straighten things out.
  1. Ensure you have views on both the Contacts and Users page that display the ID of the Contact or User.
    On the Contacts page, open the Fix: Mismatch People view (by default this is only granted to the Data Quality Team).
  2. Open one of the records. Use the jump link to the related mismatched record.
    If the mismatch is on the User record, right click the jump link to go to that User record.
  3. Open another tab and go to the User records. Use the ID provided in the view to find the mismatched User record.
  4. On that record, use the jump link to Contacts to see the associated Contact.
  5. At this point, you may need to decide which records actually go together. You may want to engage a coach to assist you in what to consider to make this decision.
  6. Edit the appropriate Contact and User records to edit the Contact and User fields to assign them to another record through the User and Contact ID.