Batch Manager Tool (BMT)
An overview of the Batch Manager Tool, what it does, and how you can use it.
The Batch Manager Tool (BMT) is a MinistryPlatform application that allows you to create batches of donations and pledges. With this tool, you can create donations manually or using a check scanner to streamline your donation processing details on one screen!
The basic workflow is:
- Create your batch. The tool creates an empty batch in MinistryPlatform.
- Scan your checks. The tool creates donation records (with check images) in MinistryPlatform.
- Assign donors, dollars, and distributions. Any changes save to MinistryPlatform.
- Finalize the batch. The tool adds a finalized date to the batch in MinistryPlatform.
You can also:
- Import XML or BankOne.txt files from third-party donation processing systems.
- Export an X937 (ICL) file for your bank.
All information automatically saves to your MinistryPlatform database on your MinistryPlatform server. The BMT can scan or import up to four images from any import file for each donation: check front, check back, alt front, and alt back (most commonly used for checks with envelopes).
After you finalize batches in the BMT, you can perform other donation processing tasks, like running reports, batching deposits, and exporting deposits, in MinistryPlatform.