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Duplicate Contacts

The number of Contacts marked as Duplicates should be kept to a minimum.

Data Health Report Card

The Customer Portal Report Card will give an A grade when less than 2% of your active Contacts are flagged as Duplicates (have a "Duplicate of" relationship). Contacts are considered active if they have activity in the Activity Log in the last 365 days.

Ways to Improve

To view all of your duplicate contacts use the Duplicates View on the Contacts Relationships page, within the People Lists section.

Combine Contacts Tool

This tool is designed to combine duplicate Contacts into one. All the duplicate Contacts will appear in the drop-down list of the Tool when launched without a selection. See Combine Contacts Tool for more information.

Best Practice to Prevent Bad Data

Ensure to ALWAYS search more than one way before adding people to your system

Ensure your church has a "minimum data required" practice. In other words, before someone is added to the system, you must have at least first and last name along with two other pieces of information (birthdate, email, phone, address, and so on).

If possible, try to collect birth dates as that is one piece of data on an individual that does not change.