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Default Contacts

The number of records using Default Contacts should be kept to a minimum.

Where do Default Contacts come from? Essentially, when someone anonymously submits information that cannot be matched to an existing Contact record, that donation (or registration or response, and so on) is assigned to the Default Contact.

  • Users can submit data anonymously through the Portal or a Widget.
    • A user is authenticated if they're logged in when they submit their information. In this case, the Default Contact is not used.
    • A user is anonymous if they're not logged in when they submit their information.
  • Anonymous users are matched to an existing Contact record if the details they submitted can be matched to that Contact record.
  • Anonymous users are matched to the Default Contact record if the details they submitted cannot be matched to a Contact record.
  • To match a contact, the following must be true:
    • First Name or Nickname must match.
    • Last Name must match.
    • Email or Phone must match (only one is required for a match).
    • When considering a Phone match, all of a contact's phone numbers are considered: Mobile, Company, and Home Phone.

Use this table to determine which record an anonymous user's data will be assigned to based on which information is matching or mismatching.

Name MismatchName MismatchEmail MismatchPhone MismatchEmail/Phone Mismatch
First NameMismatchMatchMatchMatchMatch
Last NameMatchMismatchMatchMatchMatch
Assigned To:Default ContactDefault ContactMatched ContactMatched ContactDefault Contact
Note: Matching criteria differs when a MinistryPlatform event has Minor Registration set to Yes. In this case, records are matched based on the Date of Birth that the parent is required to enter during registration. The matching criteria for minor registrations is as follows:
  • First Name and Last Name must match.
  • Email and Phone Number don't have to match because this information is unlikely to be on the child's Contact record.
  • If the Date of Birth matches, the information is assigned to the matching contact.
  • If the Date of Birth is a mismatch, the information is assigned to the Default Contact.

Data Health Report Card

The Customer Portal Report Card looks at the following categories:

Default Donations

Donation records associated with Default Contact should be updated to an actual Contact. For more information about how these get created in your system, see Default Contacts.

  • The Customer Portal Report Card gives an A grade when less than 2% of your Donations are associated with Default Contact compared to number of Contacts with Activity in the last year (or none). Activity is based on the Activity Log for the last 365 days.
  • Use the Assign Donor Tool to fix Donations, automatically create Households, and optionally create a Participant for a Donation assigned to Default Contact.
  • See Fix Views.

Default Pledges

Pledges assigned to Default Contact should be assigned to an actual Donor. For more information about how these get created in your system, see Default Contacts.

  • The Customer Portal Report Card gives an A grade when less than 2% of your Pledges are associated with Default Contact compared to number of Contacts with Activity in the last year (or none). Activity is based on the Activity Log for the last 365 days.
  • See Fix Views.

Default Form Responses

Form Response records associated with Default Contact should be updated to an actual Contact. For more information about how these get created in your system, see Default Contacts.

  • The Customer Portal Report Card gives an A grade when you have a decrease of at least 5% from previous month (or none). The number counted is Form Response records associated with Default Contact.
  • Use the Assign Donor Tool to assign a Contact with the Form Response if it is associated with an Event.
  • For the following type of form usages, the default Form Responses will need to be edited to the appropriate contact. If needed, a Contact record may need to be created via the Add/Edit Family tool.
    • Stand Alone Custom Form
    • Mission Trip Registration (you will need to update the Pledge record as well)
    • Opportunity Response (you will need to update the Opportunity Response record as well)
    • If the response should be kept anonymous, the default Form Response may be assigned to the Unassigned Contact.
  • See Views and View Notifications.

Default Event Participants

Event Participant records assigned to Default Contact should be assigned to an actual Participant. For more information about how these get created in your system, see Default Contacts.

  • The Customer Portal Report Card gives an A grade when you have a decrease of at least 5% from previous month (or none). The number counted is Event Participant records associated with Default Contact.
  • To resolve Default Event Participant records, use the Assign Participant Tool to review registrations and assign a Participant.
  • See Views.

Default Group Participants

Group Participant records associated with Default Contact should be updated to an actual Contact. For more information about how these get created in your system, see Default Contacts.

  • The Customer Portal Report Card gives an A grade when you have a decrease of at least 5% from previous month (or none). The number counted is Group Participant records associated with Default Contact.
  • Use the Assign Participant Tool to assign a Contact with the Group Participant if it is associated with an Event.
  • See Views.

Default Opportunity Responses

Opportunity Response records associated with Default Contact should be edited and updated to an actual Contact. For more information about how these get created in your system, see Default Contacts.

  • The Customer Portal Report Card gives an A grade when you have a decrease of at least 5% from previous month (or none). The number counted is Opportunity Response records associated with Default Contact.
  • You'll need to assign default contact opportunity responses. Here's what we recommend:
    1. Create a view on the responses page that shows all Default Contact responses. Include First Name, Last Name, and Phone columns from the Response record fields.
    2. Use the Add/Edit Family Tool as needed to create Contact and Participant records for individuals who are not already in the database. This can be done efficiently if the view is set up as mentioned above so you can simply reference the columns for the values needed in the Tool.
    3. Change the Participant field on the Response record to the correct participant record.
  • See Views and View Notifications.

Group Inquiries

Group Inquiry records associated with Default Contact should be updated to an actual Contact.For more information about how these get created in your system, see Default Contacts.

  • The Customer Portal Report Card gives an A grade when you have a decrease of at least 5% from previous month (or none). The number counted is Group Inquiry records associated with Default Contact.
  • See Views and View Notifications.