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Your Family

Edit information for your family in Realm.

Those designated with a primary family position, like "Head" or "Spouse", can edit the information displayed on the profile pages of their family members. Administrators can delete profiles or make them inactive.

Add a Family Member

Add a new profile for a family member.

Suppose you've had an addition to your family: new baby, grandparent moved in, and so on. You need to include the new member in your family profile online.

  1. Sign in to your church's Realm site.
  2. Click your name in the upper-right corner, and select View My Profile.
  3. Under Family, click Add family.
  4. Fill in the information, and click Add.

Update a Family Member's Profile

Update profile information for a family member.

A person who is a primary family adult member can change contact or personal information for another family member.

  1. Sign in to your church's Realm site.
  2. Click your name in the upper-right corner, and select View My Profile.
  3. In the Family section, click the family member's name.
  4. Click Edit Profile.
  5. Make any necessary changes, then click Save.

Manage Your Family's Privacy

Update privacy information for your family.

Note that only primary members of a family can change settings for others; individuals with a family position such as "child" or "other" cannot. When you change privacy settings for another member of your family, that person will be notified by email.

You can check and edit the privacy settings for each member of your family in the same window. That way, you can determine who in Realm can see information for your spouse and children.

  1. Sign in to your church's Realm site.
  2. Click your name in the upper-right corner, and select Privacy.
  3. Click the name of a family member on the right.
  4. Select one of the options above the line to apply that setting to all information in the profile, or click Custom Privacy and select a setting for each field.
    • Anyone in the church—If the individual is opted in to the online directory, any staff, leaders, and congregants with a Realm login can see basic profile information. This option is not available for children under the age of 18.
    • Leaders & group/serving team members—Any staff, leaders, and members of groups and serving teams you're involved with can see basic profile information.
    • Leaders—Any staff and leaders of groups and serving teams you're involved with can see basic profile information.
    • Users with permission only—Only staff and Realm users with permission to view profiles can see basic profile information.
    • Custom Privacy—Select which level of privacy you want for each profile field. For example, you may want everyone to be able to see your email address but only leaders to see your personal information.
  5. Click Save.

    Useful Info

    While you can hide the majority of your information from most people, you should know that:
    • Regardless of your settings, your information is still visible to certain Realm users who have permission to view it, such as staff members.
    • Once you have a login, your name and picture are visible to all others in your Realm site who have a login.