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Terms and Rates for New Fund Periods

When setting up new fund periods, you have some options for transferring or changing rates (the amount pledged each term).

If you decide to set up new rates, you can do so based on the current values or based on members.

Setting Up Based on Current Values

With this option, you must store a table of old and new rates. Rates only change for families who have an old rate for the current fund period. If a family doesn't have an old rate, the new rate is set to the current period value.

To do this, select Set Up Same Terms & New Rates Based on Current Values in the New Year Fund Setup window, then click New Rates. Click the add icon green plus sign, and enter the old and new rates. Enter as many rates as you need, then click Save. You can return to this table to make changes until you click Process or Cancel in the New Year Fund Setup window.

Setting Up Based on Members

With this option, you can post new rates based on the member or family criteria you select. This option is typically used when setting up rates for school or religious formation tuition. For example, you can have a set of rates for members in grades K-8 and another for those in high school. You can also have different rates for contributing parishioners versus non-members. Finally, you can vary rates based on how many children in the family are attending.

To do this, select Set Up New Terms & Rates Based on Members in the New Year Fund Setup window, then click New Rates. Make selections for the families and members you want. Typically with tuition rates, you include members with types Child and Young Adult.

Select a recurring charge and terms. Select Reset All Terms if you want all families with this fund to have the same terms, or select If No Current Terms to add families who were either not in the fund previously or who have an empty Terms field.

Select whether to combine rates for all members or enter separate rates. For example, a family with three qualifying members has three rates of $100, $75, and $50. If these rates are combined, the family is assigned a single rate of $225. If these rates are separated, the family is assigned three different rates of $100, $75, and $50.

If you have a rate that involves a flat fee for one or more children, leave all rates blank except the All Others Rate, and set the value equal to the flat fee. You must set up at least one rate. To set up additional rates for the same fund, click Add Rate. For example, members in high school might have a different rate than members in grade school. To save these terms and rates, click Save.

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