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Set Up New Fund Periods

Before you use this process, check out the Year-End Checklist.

CAUTION: This process alters data. We recommend backing up your data before proceeding.
CAUTION: All other users must exit the program before you continue.

With this process, you can set up the details of a new fund period using existing funds. You can view which families are transferred to the new fund period as well as those who have the fund period automatically added to their records.

CAUTION: Only run this process once for each fund. We do not recommend processing the same fund for different groups of families.
  1. On the Diocese tab, click Development Funds > Processes > New Year Fund Setup.
  2. Back up your data.
  3. Select the fund to process for the new year.
  4. Enter the new fund identifier, optional goal, and date range for the new fund period.
  5. Select which families to transfer to the new fund period.
    Tip: Typically, you will select one of the first three options. If you select No Families, you must manually add the new fund period to families. You'll generally only select Families Using eGiving if the fund is exclusively used for online giving.
  6. Select whether to transfer inactive families, fund keywords, and billing addresses.
  7. Select how to transfer or change rates. If you're setting up rates, click New Rates to enter the old and new values.
    • You can set up new rates based on existing family rates or on member criteria such as the number of children in a family or the children's grade levels. This option doesn't affect existing terms for payment. If you select one of the setup options, see "Terms and Rates for New Fund Periods" for more information.
  8. Select whether to transfer the current billing periods. If you select not to, enter the new billing period and select whether to preserve the billing day.
    Note: The default date range for a new billing period is the same as the date range for the new fund period. You can select any date range as long as it's within the new fund period.
  9. Select whether to transfer eGiving/EFT information.
    • Select Yes to pull in eGiving/EFT account information from last year to the new fund period. If Use Family ID is set to No in the EFT Info window, the account information is moved from one fund year to the next. If it's set to Yes, the account information shows for the current fund year and the next fund year.
    • Select No to clear the eGiving checkbox and all account information in the new period for families who currently have eGiving set up.
    • For families who do not use eGiving, this information will remain blank in the new period whether or not you select to transfer eGiving.
    CAUTION: If you use Vanco Payment Solutions and have families with multiple payment methods, wait until all eGiving has been sent to Vanco for the year before running this process. You can send transactions to Vanco a few weeks early if needed.
  10. Select how to handle the last period of the old fund period.
    • Delete Oldest Fund Period—Remove the oldest fund period from the Fund Setup window and from all family fund windows.
    • Combine Two Oldest Fund Periods—Combine the two oldest fund periods into a single fund period. For example, if the oldest fund periods are 1-20 (01/2020 – 12/2020) and 1-21 (01/2021 – 12/2021), this produces one fund period 1-20 (01/2020 – 12/2021). No information is deleted.
    • Leave All Fund Periods Unchanged—All fund periods stay as they are.
  11. When you're ready, click Process.

Watch & Learn

Learn how to set up new fund periods for existing funds in your Office program. 6 min 31 sec

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