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View and Modify Batches

You can view batches of contributions, make changes to a batch, and reprint batch reports.

  1. On the Diocese tab, click Development Funds > Processes > View Batches.
    All of your financial batches display in the top grid.
  2. To quickly locate a certain batch, enter the batch number in the Go To Batch field and press Enter.
  3. Click Filter/Search to locate a batch by fund number, year, date, activity, ID, name, amount, or check number.
    • Filter the List—Use the filter to see only the results you want in the list. Clear the filter to see your list of batches again.
    • Search in the List—Use this option to "jump" to a certain batch. You'll continue to see your list of batches, but your cursor moves to the batch you're looking for. If multiple batches match your search, this works like the filter and only shows those results in the list.
  4. Click a batch in the top grid to view the details in the bottom grid. You can view payments and fees as well as terms and rates on the tabs.
  5. If you need to make changes to a batch, click it in the top grid, then click Modify Batch at the bottom.
    1. On the tabs, click the add icon green plus sign to add an entry, or select the entry to remove and click the delete icon red minus sign.
    2. If you need to narrow your list of entries, click Filter/Search. (This works just like the batch filter/search in step 3.)
    3. You can also make any necessary changes in the grid. To edit all entries in the list, click Change All and select the change(s) to make.
    4. When you're finished, click Post Changes.
    5. You're prompted to leave an audit trail.
      If you click Yes, the change(s) will be recorded in the User Log, and the transaction will show "Mistake" in the Check column for the old transaction. You can view the Comment column for more information on the batch change. Mistake entries are not included in the batch's total amount; they are simply kept for reference.
    6. You're prompted to print the changes you made. Click Yes to print, or click No to return to the list of batches.
    Your changes are posted.
  6. If you need to export a batch, select it in the top grid, then click Export Batch at the bottom.
    1. If there are payments/fees in the batch, you're prompted to export that information. By default, the file is called "PaymentsBatch<number>Export.csv". If needed, you can change the location and file name so you can easily find it.
    2. If there are terms/rates in the batch, you're prompted to export that information. By default, the file is called "PledgesBatch<number>Export.csv". If needed, you can change the location and file name so you can easily find it.
    3. Once each export is complete, click OK.
  7. The batch report prints after you post a batch or if you click Print Batch Summary. If you need to reprint it, select the batch in the top grid, then click Reprint Batch Report at the bottom.
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