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Delete Unused Fund Periods

CAUTION: This process alters data. We recommend backing up your data before proceeding.

You can identify and delete any unused fund periods for families. A fund period is considered to be "unused" by a family if they don't have any terms/rates or payments toward it.

  1. On the Diocese tab, click Development Funds > Processes > Delete Unused Fund Periods.
  2. Select whether to use automatic updating or individual entry.
  3. Select whether to delete fund periods from all funds, a certain fund, or a certain fund period, then click Next.
  4. Select which families to remove unused fund periods from, then click Next.
    • If you selected automatic updating, select to process all families or certain families based on conditions.
    • If you selected individual entry, select each family you want, and click Add Family to List.
  5. Review the list of unused fund periods. If you don't want to process a certain family, clear the checkbox beside their name. When you're ready, click Next.
  6. To delete unused fund periods for the selected records, click Finish.
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