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Your Favorite Reports

Note: This feature is only available in PDS Version 11. For more on upgrading, see Upgrade to the Latest Version.

You can designate your "favorite reports". These can be the ones you run most often or ones you want to be able to find quickly when you need them.

  1. In the reports list, locate the report you want to add to your favorites.
  2. Right-click the name of the report, and click Add to * Favorite Reports.
    An asterisk (*) is added beside the report so it stands out in the list.
  3. To remove a report from your favorites, right-click it then click Remove from * Favorite Reports.
  4. To quickly view all of your favorites in the list, select Show Only * Favorite Reports at the top of the reports window.
  5. To view all reports in the list again, clear the option.
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