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Financial Statement Options

Financial reports have an additional window where you can specify which funds, which time period (range of dates), and which fund activity groups to include when printing the report.

Note: Some financial reports include gifts by fund/period. But note that actual tax statements look at the date a gift was given, regardless of the period entered. This is per IRS requirements.
Date Range to Print
Financial information stored for each family can cover many years. Use this date range to limit your financial listing report to the current year, one month, week, or day. Don't leave these fields blank. If you do, the report can have missing or incorrect information.
  • From Date—Enter a beginning date for the time period. To select a date from the calendar, click the calendar icon. To select both dates at once, click the beginning date and drag it to the ending date.
  • Thru—To select a common date range, click Thru. The drop-down list displays commonly used time period such as 1 Week, 1 Month, Current Week, and more.
  • Thru Date—If you didn't use the Thru button, enter an ending date in this field.
Funds to Print
Use the Funds to Print field to print one or more funds in your report. Only those funds listed in this field are included. If you leave these fields blank, the report can have missing or incorrect information.
  • Add a Fund to This List—There are two ways to indicate funds to print. You can enter the funds separated by commas, such as "1, 4, 9". Or, to display a list of possible funds, click Add a Fund to This List and click the fund you want to add. Repeat this for each fund you want to add.
  • Specify How to Print the Group—As you add funds to the list of funds to print, the fund activity groups are included. For each financial report you print, you can include or exclude fund activity groups. For example, you can produce a report that prints donations, pledge payments, and extra contributions but doesn't print miscellaneous activities (such as special collections and ISF checks). There are four choices for billing statements:
    • To exclude activities in the selected fund group, select Do Not Include Group in the Report. The report doesn't print the activities in that group, even if the family record has entries for them.
    • To place the total amounts for the group in the monthly breakdown at the top of the statement, select Use in Monthly Breakdown and Recap. One line of totals also prints for the group in the recap at the bottom of the statement.
    • To exclude the group in the monthly breakdown at the top of the statement, select Group Totals Only - No Itemization. One line of totals prints for the group in the recap at the bottom of the statement.
    • To exclude this group in the monthly breakdown at the top of the statement, select Itemize Each Activity in the Group. The group prints in the recap at the bottom of the statement and each activity in the group has its own line of totals.
Print Overpayments As
Use this option to determine how overpayments print. This can be important when printing different kinds of reports. For example, you might want to print overpayments as negative numbers on listing and totals reports so that you can easily see them. However, to avoid confusion, you might want to print them as zeros on billing statements or other reports that you send to families.
These options don't affect the way amounts that aren't overpayments print. All other amounts and underpayments (when a family has paid less than the amount charged) print normally. To select how overpayments print, click the drop-down list to display the following options:
  • Zero ($0.00) for the Balance Due—Prints $0.00 for the balance due even if there's an overpayment on the account. The balance due is a calculation of the amount due minus the amount paid. Underpayments (when the family has paid less than the amount charged) still print.
  • Actual Amount Overpaid—Prints the amount of the overpayment. On some reports, this prints in an Overpayment column as a positive number. On others, it prints in the Balance Due column as a negative number.
Miscellaneous Options
The following options are available with some reports, such as billing statements:
  • Include Terms and Rates on the Top of the Monthly Breakdown—Prints the terms and rates entered in the Contributions window.
  • Combine Months Older Than 12 Months Into a Single 'Prior Years' Entry on the Monthly Breakdown—Prints one total for amounts older than 12 months.
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