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Add One-Time Gifts

If you use Vanco Payment Solutions to process eGiving, you can post one-time transactions that aren't made on a monthly or periodic basis. Use this feature for occasions such as non-recurring donations or as a faster alternative to sending a check through the mail.

Note: To post payments to sub-accounts, you must first set up terms and rates for the family in the Rates/History/Keywds window.
  1. On the Information tab, click Tuition & Fees > Quick Posting > eGiving.
  2. Select the Vanco - One-Time Entries transfer type, and select the account name.
  3. If you want to export batch totals to PDS Ledger or QuickBooks, select the option and enter the relevant information.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Click Add One-Time Gift.
  6. In the Account Information Stored with Vanco dialog box, select a family.
  7. Enter the relevant information for the fund and payment. Select a checking, savings, or credit card account type.
  8. Click Account Info to view the Vanco account for this one-time entry. To change the account information, click Edit and enter the new information.
    Note: When you click Save, the account information is updated in your PDS program and on Vanco's website.
  9. If you previously set up eGiving information for the family, on the eGiving Info for All Funds and Rates tab, double-click the account information you want to use. This automatically inserts the account information on the previous tab.
  10. Click Save All One-Time Info to save the information and return to the quick posting.
  11. Click Next, then click Process eGiving.
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