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Funds, Tuition, and Fees


In the Fund Setup window, you can track donations, gifts, pledges, miscellaneous payments, charges, refunds, and more. You can customize funds, create your own groups and names for fund activities, as well as define fund periods and customize recurring charges. For more information, see Notes About Setting Up Funds.

Fund Filter

You can view all the records associated with a specific fund or fund period. On the Information tab, click Tuition & Fees > Fund Filter. Once you look up a fund, scroll through the records to view all the associated records. The filter you use remains enabled until you click Fund Filter again, then Clear Filter.

Setup and Usage Reports

You can print a report that shows how a single fund or all of your funds are set up. On the Administration tab, click Fund Setup. Locate the appropriate fund, then click Print.

The usage report prints which families are using which fund activities. These reports contain statistical information that can help you determine if an activity is rarely used or not used at all. On the Administration tab, click Fund Setup > Usage Reports.

Tuition and Fees

Once you set up funds, you can use the Tuition & Fees window to assign funds to families. Families can have funds set up for their particular needs: special rates, fees, or billing periods.

Before you can work in the Tuition & Fees window, you must set up a fund for each transaction category. For example, you can set up a fund for building repairs and one for fund-raising events. Within each fund, you can track individual posting activities, such as offerings, Christmas, pledge payments, or service hours.

History Entries

You can search all family records for certain fund history information or invalid dates (before 01/01/1970 or after 01/01/2100). On the Information tab, click Tuition & Fees > Find History Entries. Enter any relevant data for the entries you want or select Find Invalid Dates, and click Find Matching Entries. If you need to further narrow down this list by name or ID, click Filter List. To view the record associated with an entry, select it in the grid and click Lookup/OK. If you need to change the family, fund, and/or activity for a transaction, select one or more items in the grid and click Move Entries.

Tuition & Fees Reports

You can print financial reports, such as listings, statements, tax reports, and more! On the Information tab, click Tuition & Fees > Reports.

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