Export Batch Totals
You can conveniently export your batch totals to PDS Ledger or QuickBooks® from your PDS Office program. You have the option to do this after you post payments/donations, eGiving, fees, pledge cards, terms/rates, or after you run SpeedCheck.
During these quick postings, select Export Totals Information, and select which program you want to export to. Enter the path where the file should be created, or enter the path where the QuickBooks file (with the COA names) is located.
Exporting to PDS Ledger
When you export to Ledger, a batch file is created with the totals for each fund, period, and activity group. The file name format is Batch###.pfb, where ### is the batch number. For example, if the batch number is 411, the file name is "Batch411.pfb".
Exporting to QuickBooks
When you export to QuickBooks, a batch file is created with the totals for each fund, period, and activity group. Then, you can import the file into QuickBooks. The file name format is Batch###.iif, where ### is the batch number. For example, if the batch number is 411, the file name is "Batch411.iif".
Before You Begin
Before you export your batch totals to QuickBooks for the first time, make sure you export your Chart of Accounts (COA) into an .iif file. This file is used every time you export your PDS batch totals to QuickBooks. It's a good idea to store this file in a safe location where it's unlikely to be moved or deleted. We recommend the Data folder since it's a part of a scheduled backup.
Exporting to QuickBooks Online
QuickBooks Online accepts .csv files through their bank statement import. Export your batch totals to use in this process. Select To QuickBooks, then select Online.