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With this quick posting, you can scan and electronically deposit checks from your contributors.

What is SpeedCheck?

SpeedCheck is your one-stop shop for scanning checks from your contributors. Instead of manually entering each check into your system, SpeedCheck scans a group of checks and uploads the information into PDS, along with images of each check. Then, you can remotely deposit them into your church's bank account. The contributions are posted automatically to family records in PDS.

How does it work?
  1. You collect the offering.
  2. You scan checks into PDS.
  3. Check images are sent to the Bank Operations Center.
  4. The bank sends the images to the Federal Reserve for clearing.
  5. The donor's bank receives a request from the Federal Reserve Bank then sends the funds to cover the donation back through the FRB.
  6. Collected funds are sent to the church's account.

Before You Begin

SpeedCheck is an add-on feature. If you're interested in using it, contact our Sales team at 1-800-892-5202 to sign up.

Once you sign up, purchase a check readers that's compatible with our requirements. For a list of scanners that we offer, see our recommendations. Download the SpeedCheck Epson Driver from the Client Portal, and connect your check reader to your computer.

After your check reader is set up, prepare your checks:
  • Manually add the totals of all the checks to determine your expected total.
  • Divide your checks into batches of about 30 (or the number your check reader allows) by fund.
  • Group together any checks with amounts that need to be split between funds.
Note: You don't have to run the following procedures all at once. If you're ready to scan your checks but aren't ready to deposit them, you can save the batch and come back later.

Scan Checks

Make sure your check reader is connected to your computer.

Each batch you scan is considered a separate deposit. You can set your own number of checks in a batch. For example, if you have 300 checks and you scan 100 checks in each batch, you'll have 3 deposits for that day.

  1. On the Information tab, click Tuition & Fees > Quick Posting > SpeedCheck.
  2. Click Scan Checks.
  3. Click Create New Batch.
  4. Load a batch of checks in the check reader tray.
  5. Click Start/Capture.
  6. After all checks in a batch are scanned, click End Batch/Process.
  7. Repeat these steps for each batch of checks you have.
  8. When you're finished scanning all batches, click Exit.

Balance and Deposit Checks

Balancing each batch ensures the total amount of scanned checks matches your expected total. When you're ready, you can electronically deposit your checks.

  1. On the Information tab, click Tuition & Fees > Quick Posting > SpeedCheck.
  2. Click Balance/Deposit Checks.
  3. Select which fund activities you want to work with, and click Save.
  4. Click the drop-down list at the top-right, and select a batch.
  5. Under Batch Totals, enter your expected batch total.
  6. Select the default fund for the batch.
    Tip: If most of your transactions in a batch are for a specific fund, select it. If some transactions are split between funds, you can indicate that later.
  7. Under Batch Details, click a transaction to see the scanned check image.
  8. To split a check between funds, select the Fund Code at the bottom-right. For Distribution, enter the dollar amount to distribute to the other fund. Click Split.
  9. To view the checks that need to be corrected, select Show Unbalanced Only at the top.
    • Unbalanced checks and checks with unclear MICR lines display in red.
    • Double-click the red transaction. Click the image to verify the Routing #, Account, and Check Number. Enter the correct information from the check.
    • Click Save, then click Close to return to the Balance window.
  10. After you balance each batch, you can review them by clicking Review at the top.
  11. Once you review the batches, click Approve at the top. If all transactions match the expected totals, click Approve.
    Note: If needed, you can split checks between funds once you import the batch into PDS, as long as the batch total remains the same.
  12. When you're ready, click Deposit at the top.

The batch is submitted for deposit at the end of the day. 100% of your funds will be available in two business days.

Import Payment and Donation Information into PDS

After you deposit the checks, you're ready to post the information to family records in PDS.

  1. On the Information tab, click Tuition & Fees > Quick Posting > SpeedCheck.
  2. Click Import Batches. If you want to import only batches after a certain date, enter a starting batch date.
  3. In the grid at the top, select the batch you want to import. Each check from the batch displays in the bottom grid.
  4. To link a check to an existing or new record, select the check then click Link/Unlink Family.
  5. If you need to split a check amount or the activity it goes to, select it then click Split Check. Two separate transactions will post for the contributor.
  6. To see the scanned image, click Show Check.
  7. If you make a mistake and need to remove a batch, click Delete Batch. Keep in mind that this only removes the batch from this window. You must contact the bank to make the appropriate correcting entries.
  8. If you previously posted a batch but it seems to be missing, click Re-import Batch/Batches. You can enter a date range for which batches to import again.
  9. Make sure the number of checks and total amount are correct for each batch you want to post.
  10. When you're ready to import the information from the grid into PDS, click Post Batch.
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