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Set Initial Program Options

In the Initial Setup window, you can specify various program options, preferences, and default subdirectories. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Setup > Initial Setup. Most of these options are also available under the Setup Options menu when you click the gear icon black gear with hole in the middle in any data entry window.

Initial Program Options Field Information

Allow setup and cleanup times for two different events to overlap without marking as a conflict
If you select No, when scheduling an event, a conflict displays if the setup/cleanup times overlap with another event's setup/cleanup times.
Will charges be billed for some events
Set the default option for the Will Charges Apply? field in the scheduling wizards. This can be overridden based on the type of charge you selected for a facility.
Automatically assign invoice numbers to events
If you chose to charge for some events, select Yes to have the program assign the next invoice number when there is a charge. If needed, enter the starting number in Current Invoice Number.
Default Start Time for Events / Default End Time for Events
When you add events, the program can automatically fill in the times you set here. Of course, you can change them as needed for each event.
Note: Default Start Time for Events also determines the time that the daily and weekly schedules start.
We Upload Events to Google Calendar
This option is set automatically when you complete your first upload to Google Calendar. If you want to start using the Google Calendar upload feature, select this option then allow PDS access to the Google Calendar(s) you want to upload events to. Then, you're ready to upload.
Default to Group Only for Calendars
If selected, events print on calendars by group name only. If you want subgroups to display along with the group name, clear this option. With this option selected, one event shows up for the group facility. With this option cleared, an event displays for each facility in the group.
One example of the Daily Schedule showing one event for the group facility when the option is selected, and another example of the Daily Schedule showing an event for each facility in the group when the option is cleared
Default to Group Only for Event Screen
If selected, events display in the Events listing screen by group name only. If you want subgroups to show along with the group name, clear this option. With this option selected, one event shows up for the group facility. With this option cleared, and event displays for each facility in the group.
One example of the listing showing one event for the group facility when the option is selected, and another example of the listing showing an event for each facility in the group when the option is cleared
Name for Meetings
Define the name used for meetings that displays on the Schedule button on the Information tab and related windows. The default name is "Mass", so the button is called "Mass Schedule", and the related windows are "Mass Schedule" and "Mass Intentions".
Path to PDS Church, Formation, or School Office Data
If you plan to import data from other Office products, enter the path to the database. For example, X:\PDSOffice\Data.
Default Documents Subdirectory
Enter the path where you want to store the documents and/or pictures you use within the program. For more, see Documents.
CAUTION: If you change the default document folder once you've started using it, make sure you move all your files to the new location.
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