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Set Up Templates for Event Packages

Templates contain every possible event, charge, and requirement you may need for an event package. Use the predefined templates or add your own templates.

  1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Setup > Template for Event Packages.
  2. Click Add to add a new template, event name, requirement, or charge.
    If you select to add an event name, requirement, or charge, it's added to the template you selected in the list. If you select to add a new template, it's added below the template you selected in the list.
  3. To modify a template, event name, requirement, or charge, select it, then edit the information in the fields below the list.
  4. To remove a template, event name, requirement, or charge, click Delete and select the items.
  5. To reorder templates or items within them, click Reorder and use the arrows to move the items. Click Sort to arrange selected items alphabetically.
  6. Click Save/OK.

You can use the template you set up to quickly add events, requirements, and charges when creating events packages.

Watch & Learn

Learn how to create a template of events related to a special occasion, such as a wedding, that you can use over and over. 7 min 53 sec

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To watch more videos, visit the PDS Video Library.

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