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Set Up Event Calendars

Event calendars are useful for keeping your events organized. You can have up to 21 event calendars.

  1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Setup > Event Calendars.
  2. Click Insert Names to add a new calendar name.
  3. Use colors and fonts to make it easier to identify certain types of events on your printed calendars. You can also select a default color and font style.
    Event Calendar setup window showing how the different default color and font style options look on the monthly calendar view
  4. To remove a calendar, click Delete Names and select the items. A message displays to let you know how long this might take. Click Yes to continue with the deletion.
  5. To reorder event calendar names, click Reorder and use the arrows to move the items. Click Sort to arrange selected items alphabetically.
  6. If you have similar event calendar names that need to be merged, click Combine.
  7. Click Save/OK.

When you set up an event, you can select which calendar the event displays on. Or, to set calendar options for a group of events, use the Quick Post Event Calendars process.

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