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Set Up Charges and Payments

You can manage charges and payments for anything you require a payment for. For example, if you charge for weddings to be held at your facility, you can set up a group called "Wedding" with activities like "Wedding Fee" and "Wedding Payment".

  1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Setup > Charges/Payments.
  2. Click Add to add a new group or activity name. The new item is inserted under the item you have selected in the list.
  3. To modify a group or activity name, select it, then edit the information in the fields below the list.
  4. To remove a group or activity name, click Delete and select the items.
  5. To reorder groups or activity names, click Reorder and use the arrows to move the items. Click Sort to arrange selected items alphabetically.
  6. If you have similar charges or payments that need to be merged, click Combine. Note that you cannot combine a Charge type with a Payment type.
  7. Click Save/OK.

You can use the group you set up as a template to quickly add charges and payments when scheduling events, organizations, and facilities.

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