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Editing Complex Views

To make changes to your personal view, find it in the Views drop-down list, and click Edit beside the view.

When launching the Views/Advanced Search Tool, you may receive the following message: "System was not able to parse and recognize some of the expressions in the field list and filter clause! Do you want to continue?".

This means you have SQL in your View that can't be edited by the point-and-click method.

  • If you click OK, the Advanced Search Tool changes your SQL to a form it can edit. This is undesirable if you want to retain any custom SQL written for the View. Use this option if you don't need the custom SQL and want to edit the View using point-and-click.
  • Click Cancel if you want to retain the custom SQL.

Add Fields to your Complex View

To add fields to a View that already has custom SQL, you can follow this procedure to use the point-and-click method to select fields and still retain your custom SQL.

Get the Fields to Add
  1. Open the Views/Advanced Search Tool from All Records.
  2. Select the fields you want to add.
  3. Switch to SQL Layout.
  4. Copy the Field List SQL.
  5. Close the Views/Advanced Search Tool. You don't need to Save.
Add the Fields to Your Complex View
  1. Switch to your view.
  2. Open the Views/Advanced Search Tool.
  3. Click Cancel when you get the "System was not able to parse and recognize..." message.
  4. Switch to SQL Layout.
  5. Paste in the fields. Be sure to add a comma before the first field you paste so there is one between each field.

Additional Considerations

Permissions and Fields

To add a field from a related table, a user must have at least read access to that page. If only the record ID is visible, the user's rights must be adjusted. For more information, see View Permissions.

Complex Comparisons

Comparisons are always added to the Advanced Search using the AND operator.

To attain the same functionality as an "OR" statement, use the "IN" option. First, look up the record IDs for the criteria that is appropriate. Then use the "IN" filter to add the appropriate record ID's to the field in the advanced view. For example, if you want to include two different Group Roles in your view, find the record IDs of the Group Roles you want to view by going to the Group Roles page and opening the record. Then go back to the page your view is on. Add the "Group Role ID" field and filter it using the "IN" option and include the two numbers separated by commas.