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Views FAQ

Q1: How can I find out who owns a view?

A SPoC can go to System Setup > Page Views and open the appropriate View record. The owner is listed at the bottom of the view record, next to last field labeled User.

Q2: We're seeing some differences in the way apostrophes are displayed in names. Is there a view which can be created to show us these differences?

Yes, this can be done by copying the "Current Contacts" View and adding the following to the existing criteria:

AND Display_Name LIKE N'%''%' OR Last_Name LIKE N'%''%' OR First_Name LIKE N'%''%'

The N before the single-quotes designates it as Unicode. The odd character is between wildcards (%) to identify all instances.

Q3: How can I create a view to have a field filter on a list of criteria?

When creating a custom view, to have a field filter on a list of criteria (like a handful of Groups), use the IN comparison and list your terms separated by commas.

Q4: Can I set a default Page View on a specific Page?

Yes, you can set a default Page View on a Page. This sets the default Page View for all users (it's not possible to have the default Page View vary by user). To set a default Page View, a system administrator should:

  1. Go to System Setup > Pages and open the appropriate Page.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Change the Default View field as needed.
  4. Click Save.
Q5: Can I set a default View on a specific Sub-Page?

Yes. The Default View must be a Sub-Page View selected in the Sub-Page. It cannot be a Shared View; rather, it must be shared system-wide.

Q6: Can I create a View to filter on a certain, specific field change logged in the Audit Log? For example, show Contacts records where the Martial Status has been changed the last month?

Yes, you can filter a View based on audit log entries, including fields edited and dates. See "Contact Changes Past 7 Days" View Example. Here is an example for Marital Status changes in the past 30 days:

EXISTS( SELECT 1FROM dp_Audit_Detail AD INNER JOIN dp_Audit_Log AL ON AD.Audit_Item_ID = AL.Audit_Item_IDWHERE AL.Audit_Description IN ('Updated','Mass Updated')  AND AL.Table_Name = 'Contacts'  AND AD.Field_Name = 'Marital_Status_ID'  AND AL.Record_ID = Contacts.Contact_ID   AND AL.Date_Time > GETDATE()-30 )
Q7: Can I create a custom view that pulls certain days of the week?

Yes. The simplest approach is to use DATENAME(dw,[Date_Field]) to return the name of the weekday. For example, Events that start on Sunday: DATENAME(dw,[Event_Start_Date])='Sunday'.

Q8: I am trying to create a custom View, but the information I need isn't in the data tree. What's going on?

First, it's important to make sure you're creating the view on the correct page, as there are specific items in the data tree based on which page you're on. If you are on the correct page, has a filtered page been created based off the page you're working on? You want to make sure that your filtered page has a Filter Clause. When the Platform sees two pages without the filter clause on the same page, it arbitrarily uses one of them to build the data tree in the advanced search. Lastly, ensure you have appropriate permissions to the fields or pages you need.

Q9: I made a selection off a custom View. Why isn't the selection formatted like my View was?

Once you make a selection, it is saved with the format (that is, column order) of the All Records view for that page. If you need your selection to stay in a certain format, you'll want to Export it to Excel as the Current View.

Q10: Can a view be created to see which records have file attachments?

A view could be created with a correlated subquery to see file attachments. See the Files on Contacts View Example. Contact Support if you need assistance creating this view.

Q11: How do we create a view with criteria for a name that includes a single quote?

Include a second single quote in your SQL. So if the group name is 2's have your criteria then use 2''s (using two single quotes).

Q12: How can I share a personal View I created with other Users?

This depends on who you want to share the View with, whether it be a group of users or all users. The best way to share a personal View to a select group of users is to assign it to a User Group, and add Users to that User Group. You can do this by opening the View in the Advanced Search Tool and selecting the appropriate User Group. See Sharing Your View with Other Users Using Advanced Search for more information. Alternatively you can modify the Page View record on the Page Views page within the System Setup Section. Open the record for the View, click Edit and change the User Group field to the appropriate User Group.

To share the View with all Users, open the View from the Page Views Page and simply remove the User from the User field, then save the record. This will make the View a standard view that will show up for all users who have access to that Page.